I'm trying to configure an IpSec tunnel between two PfSense firewall both version
built on Sun Oct 29 01:07:16 UTC 2006One one side PfSense WAN has a static ip address:
and CARP IP til xx.xx.xx.222
When I try to create a tunnel, I can only select which interface to listen to (WAN, DMZ, LAN) but how can I specify which IP to use?
On the WAN static IP I forward IpSec port to a Win2003 server. So i need to specify one of the CARP IP as interface to listen to (the other side will use this ip as remote gateway)
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance,
Another problem I found…
on the other PfSense when i try to start IpSec I get an error in racoon.conf line 2
listen {
isakmp [500];}
i found this in the file.
This pfsense has a WAN with a static private IP 192.168.xx.xx and four VirtuaIp public configured.
i tried to modify the file this way:
listen {
isakmp xx.xx.xx.149 [500];}
but when i restart racoon it is overwritten with the old vesion.
Speck -
Hint: VPN>ipsec, failover ipsec tab
Can I use FailOver Ipsec even if the vpn won't actually be a failover connection?
I'll try this way, thanks
What about the error in racoon.conf line 2? any hint ???
Thats fixed in a recent snapshot.
latest snapshot is stable enough for production enviroinment?
The version I'm using now (1.0.1) is working great and very stable ;D
Thanks in advance,
Speck -
We consider the releng1 snapshots as pretty stable. Only usability updates and bugfixes go into this branch. It's not like we are reinventing a new system here. Thet's what the head code tree is for. However, backing up your config before you upgrade won't hurt.
Ok, thanks ;D