Packages - install then uninstall…
First time user. I installed pfsense a couple days ago, still exploring various configurations/options.
One problem/concern I found while testing/experimenting (specifically with Squidproxy/Squidguard and Dansguardian)
is I installed the packages, played with various configs within said packages. Then decided I wanted to uninstall
and start over. I remove the packages, then reinstall them. But to my dismay, it keeps the previous configuration for all the above
mentioned programs. The reason I wanted to uninstall/reinstall was to start with a new/fresh config.Any advice?
Yes, the settings get preserved in config.xml - handy if you are deinstalling then installing again, not so handy if you want a fresh start.
You can (carefully) edit /cf/conf/config.xml to get rid of them - first backup your config from Diagnostics:Backup/Restore (to allow a restore if you really mess up the edit), then you can use Diagnostics:Edit File to load, cut, save. The <installedpackages>section has the settings. Make sure to remove whole chunks with the matching start and end markers like <squid>and</squid> .
Unfortunately, the sections are not always all named the same as the package name - e.g. after removing squid3 I end up with a <squidcache>and a <squid>section that needs cutting out, like this:<squidcache><config><harddisk_cache_system>null</harddisk_cache_system></config></squidcache> <squid><config><active_interface>lan</active_interface> <proxy_port>3128</proxy_port> <icp_port><allow_interface>on</allow_interface> <transparent_proxy>on</transparent_proxy> <patch_cp><private_subnet_proxy_off><defined_ip_proxy_off><defined_ip_proxy_off_dest><dns_v4_first><dns_nameservers><log_enabled><log_dir>/var/squid/logs</log_dir> <log_rotate><visible_hostname>localhost</visible_hostname> <admin_email>admin@localhost</admin_email> <error_language>en</error_language> <disable_xforward><disable_via><uri_whitespace>strip</uri_whitespace> <disable_squidversion></disable_squidversion></disable_via></disable_xforward></log_rotate></log_enabled></dns_nameservers></dns_v4_first></defined_ip_proxy_off_dest></defined_ip_proxy_off></private_subnet_proxy_off></patch_cp></icp_port></config></squid>
So you do need to look through it sensibly. e.g. I had mailscanner installed and I notice now that it has left behind a heap of sections in the config.
If others have a better way of achieving this, please post…</squid></squidcache></installedpackages> -
What all does the FACTORY DEFAULTS do? Would this take care of it you think?
I think so