So many filterdns instances…
Can you make a md5 of your filterdns ?
MD5 (/usr/local/sbin/filterdns) = b25470f1942956d6f887ff87c99761c4
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Sun Jan 6 11:15:50 EST 2013
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5MD5 (/usr/local/sbin/filterdns) = b25470f1942956d6f887ff87c99761c4
5 minutes after startup:
[2.1-BETA1][admin@rt-01.mydomain]/root(2): clog /var/log/system.log | grep filterdns Jan 7 08:07:02 rt-01 kernel: pid 28781 (filterdns), uid 0: exited on signal 11
Just bumping up this thread, since filterdns is still exiting + dumping core (note: I had just updated to latest 2.1-BETA1 snapshot)
Bump from me also, now on:
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Sun Jan 13 19:34:21 EST 2013
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5
and still getting:Jan 14 12:09:19 imp-rt-01 kernel: pid 34114 (filterdns), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
Some more information. filterdns only crashes if SIGHUP is received and it goes through the "Cleaning up previous hostnames" code:
Jan 16 08:57:26 imp-rt-01 filterdns: Received signal SIGHUP(1). Jan 16 08:57:26 imp-rt-01 filterdns: Cleaning up previous hostnames
This happens as various interfaces and OpenVPN links come up during startup - filter reloads happen a few times, and are fed to filterdns. It dies with sig 11 at the next scheduled 5 minute wakeup.
Something in the reload of filterdns.conf and attempted preservation of existing threads, removal of threads no longer needed, and addition of threads to monitor new IPs, is freeing memory that is still needed. In filterdns.c, merge_config calls clear_config:static void clear_config(struct thread_list *thrlist) { struct thread_data *thr; pthread_mutex_lock(&sig_mtx); while ((thr = TAILQ_FIRST(thrlist)) != NULL) { if (debug >= 4) syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cleaning up hostname %s", thr->hostname); TAILQ_REMOVE(thrlist, thr, next); if (thr->thr_pid != 0) pthread_cancel(thr->thr_pid); clear_hostname_addresses(thr); if (thr->hostname) free(thr->hostname); if (thr->tablename) free(thr->tablename); free(thr); } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&main_lock); }
merge_config sets thr_pid to 0 for threads that should continue on (do not need to be cancelled). But clear_config frees various data for the thread (hostname and tablename) and the thread data itself, even when the thread is not cancelled.
When the thread awakes in check_hostname at the 5 minute timer, it will have lost its thr data structure - reference to it will cause sig 11.
Perhaps it just needs this code for clear_config:static void clear_config(struct thread_list *thrlist) { struct thread_data *thr; pthread_mutex_lock(&sig_mtx); while ((thr = TAILQ_FIRST(thrlist)) != NULL) { if (debug >= 4) syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cleaning up hostname %s", thr->hostname); TAILQ_REMOVE(thrlist, thr, next); if (thr->thr_pid != 0) { pthread_cancel(thr->thr_pid); clear_hostname_addresses(thr); if (thr->hostname) free(thr->hostname); if (thr->tablename) free(thr->tablename); free(thr); } } pthread_rwlock_unlock(&main_lock); }
Also, "pthread_rwlock_unlock(&main_lock);" at the end seems odd. Shouldn't it be "pthread_mutex_unlock(&sig_mtx);" - to match the "pthread_mutex_lock(&sig_mtx);" at the start of the routine?
@ermal: I don't have an environment to compile in, but this might give enough clues for you to track this down. -
Thanks for the analysis pushed a fix.
Thanks, now it doesn't crash. But somewhere in the boot process, with OpenVPN links etc coming up, it has a point where it deletes all the table entries then does not recover them again. After boot, my table that should have 11 IP addresses is empty. The log indicates entries being deleted at one point.
As a side issue:syslog(LOG_WARNING, "\t DELETED %d addresses(%d) to table %s.", io.pfrio_nadd, address->sa_family, pfd->tablename);
should be:
syslog(LOG_WARNING, "\t DELETED %d addresses(%d) to table %s.", io.pfrio_ndel, address->sa_family, pfd->tablename);
(the debug line is reporting pfrio_nadd when it needs to report pfrio_ndel)
If I restart filterdns (kill it by hand, then use Diagnostics:Execute Command:PHP Execute to do:
mwexec("/usr/local/sbin/filterdns -p {$g['varrun_path']}/ -i 300 -c {$g['varetc_path']}/filterdns.conf -d 10");
It comes up nicely and puts all 11 IPs in the table.
After this, the entries survive when I stop and start an OpenVPN client process - the log looks good.
@ermal: I will PM you a log of filterdns behaviour at boot with -d 10 set. -
Also, in filterdns.c main, it:
a) reads the config, filling in thread_list
b) loops creating a check_hostname thread for each host
c) inits main_lock
d) creates the thread for merge_configTAILQ_FOREACH(thr, &thread_list, next) { error = pthread_create(&thr->thr_pid, &attr, check_hostname, thr); if (error != 0) { if (debug >= 1) syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unable to create monitoring thread for host %s", thr->hostname); } pthread_set_name_np(thr->thr_pid, thr->hostname); } pthread_rwlock_init(&main_lock, NULL); sig_mtx = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; sig_condvar = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; error = pthread_create(&sig_thr, &attr, merge_config, NULL); if (error != 0) { if (debug >= 1) syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unable to create signal thread %s", thr->hostname); } pthread_set_name_np(sig_thr, "signal-thread");
But check_hostname uses main_lock. So it is possible that main_lock is not initialized when check_hostname runs the first time.
Maybe that could cause some early accesses to thread_list to be inconsistent?
Maybe:pthread_rwlock_init(&main_lock, NULL);
should be moved earlier in main.
I did make the code correct but i think the issue was mostly related to getaddrinfo code not reporting correctly the EAGAIN error.
This made entries expire, though it does not explain why it does not reenter them. -
Upgraded to:
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Fri Jan 18 03:21:43 EST 2013
It puts the 11 IP address entries in the table at the start, then sometime over the next few minutes, the addresses are all deleted from the table. The problem comes from when this message is reported 11 times (site names 1 to 11):Jan 18 20:19:43 imp-rt-01 filterdns: Creating a new thread for host!
It already has all 11 threads for the 11 names in the table. Then, for whatever reason, it decides to create 11 new threads. In the process, it ends up clearing out the 11 table entries and never actually putting them back.
@ermal: I will send another full debug log. -
Upgraded to today's latest snapshot, I'm still getting "exited on signal 11 (core dumped)" and I see only one filterdns process running (whereas in the past there used to be more filterdns processes – for ipsec / CP / etc)
I have been following this thread because of similar problems with filterdns crash/core dumps and I have an observation:
My problem seems to be related to the filterdns that gets started through the vpn/ipsec stuff.
After updating to the latest snapshot today:
2.1-BETA1 (amd64)
built on Fri Jan 18 04:21:30 EST 2013
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5- I increased the filterdns debug level to 10 (in, line 984, '-d 10' switch) and clicked save on the VPN -> IPsec page to restart the filterdns process monitoring the vpn endpoints.
Here is the log output I get after this:
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs check_reload_status: Syncing firewall
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs filterdns: Found hostname with netmask 32.
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs filterdns: found entry for (null)
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs filterdns: found entry for (null)
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs filterdns: entry exists in table (null)
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs filterdns: found entry for (null)
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs filterdns: entry exists in table (null)
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs filterdns: Found 1 entries for
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs check_reload_status: Restarting ipsec tunnels
Jan 18 12:29:51 pfs filterdns: Ran command /usr/local/sbin/pfSctl -c "service reload ipsecdns" with exit status 0 because a dns change on hostname was detected.
Jan 18 12:29:53 pfs php: : IPSEC: One or more IPsec tunnel endpoints has changed its IP. Refreshing.
Jan 18 12:29:58 pfs php: : Could not determine VPN endpoint for 'WAN IPv4 IPsec Mobile Phase1 '
Jan 18 12:30:03 pfs php: : Could not determine VPN endpoint for 'WAN IPv4 IPsec Mobile Phase1 '
Jan 18 12:30:03 pfs filterdns: Received signal SIGHUP(1).
Jan 18 12:30:03 pfs kernel: pid 61925 (filterdns), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)This is probably not causing any real problems on my system because my remote vpn endpoint dns doesn't change or if it's related to the mobile ipsec phase1 not having an endpoint I am not sure how that would affect me, but I have noticed the core dump syslog messages and I have read that there can be up to three running filterdns processes (filter, vpn, captiveportal).
Hope this helps…
I think all this happens because a filter reload will clear the contents of the table with what the filter config sends in.
I changed filterdns again to force update of addresses on table when a SIGHUP happens.Hopefully by monday snapshot the updated filterdns will be there.
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Sat Jan 19 20:44:40 EST 2013
Looking good - Alix nanoBSD test system has been up 9 hours. The table that should translate 11 names to 11 IPs now has 14 IP address entries. (3 of the names have dynamically switched IP in this time.) filterdns is adding to the table and not removing old entries, but I don't really care about that (feature or bug?) -
2.1-BETA1 (i386)
built on Sat Jan 19 20:44:40 EST 2013There have been a few more changes after that date, you will have to try again tomorrow or so with a newer snapshot.
I just upgraded to latest snapshot but still get filterdns problems:
FreeBSD fw.localdomain 8.3-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5 #1: Sat Jan 19 21:12:44 EST 2013 i386
MD5 (/usr/local/sbin/filterdns) = 6949816348947b7762586fe3c59b356e
Jan 21 00:05:28 fw kernel: pid 47308 (filterdns), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)
Jan 21 00:05:29 fw check_reload_status: Restarting ipsec tunnels
Jan 21 00:05:30 fw login: login on ttyv0 as root
Jan 21 00:05:36 fw php: : IPSEC: One or more IPsec tunnel endpoints has changed its IP. Refreshing.
Jan 21 00:05:37 fw check_reload_status: Updating all dyndns
Jan 21 00:05:37 fw check_reload_status: Restarting OpenVPN tunnels/interfaces
Jan 21 00:05:38 fw check_reload_status: Reloading filter
Jan 21 00:05:40 fw kernel: pid 83611 (filterdns), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped) -
dhatz that happens probably because of upgrade is not replacing the filterdns process.
Can you kill all you filterdns processes before running an upgrade and try again or
extract the archive of the upgrade and install manually the filterdns binary, it is located on usr/local/sbin iirc.I am tracking even this issue of upgrade not replacing binaries at some time.
Indeed it seems that the filterdns binary is not replaced by the upgrade process.
I will upgrade as soon as a new 2.1 snapshot image becomes available (currently the latest snapshot is from 19-Jan) and let you know how it goes.
nanobsd upgrade to 2.1-BETA1 (i386) built on Tue Jan 22 05:52:55 EST 2013 gets the version feature (1.1), but that is kind of obvious since nanoBSD is provided with a full slice. We will see what dhatz gets with a upgrade of a full install.
filterdns working well for me - but it does accumulate all the IP addresses known to it over time for the list of names. My table now has 15 IPs for 11 names. -
dhatz that happens probably because of upgrade is not replacing the filterdns process.
Can you kill all you filterdns processes before running an upgrade and try again or
I am tracking even this issue of upgrade not replacing binaries at some time.Just a quick reminder that doing an upgrade still won't replace the old filterdns binary.
Btw I have tried killing all filterdns processes before running an upgrade (and verified they had been killed just before starting the upgrade procedure).