Error with new install wachguard X750E
Ill try to reflash it. I have the box open and the light is green the whole time. I tried the card in a x700 and it boots -
The fact that the boot loader is running shows that you've flashed the bios and set the card geometry correctly. If you don't you get nothing after the POST. Yet it boots on the X700. :-
The storage LED on continuously isn't good. Perhaps some incompatibility. Did the BIOS see the card correctly when set to autodetect?
What size card is it? Edit: I see you said 4GB.Steve
The light you are taking about that's the one that is by the CF slot? If that the case no matter what CF I put on there it is a solid green even the watch guard FW. The screen now says Pfsense B7 booting?Is it getting hung on the boot loader or something?
No I'm taking about the HD activity light on the front panel, 2nd from the top. The internal LED next to the slot lights up continuously that's normal.
The one that says storage is orange -
Hmm, that's interesting. There were two manufacturers for the x750 the one I have here has a green LED. I'll have to check the led on another box. Either way it should be flashing if the card is booting in the background.
I got it to boot!! I changed it from halt on all errors to not halt on any errors and it seems to be working and booting -
Nice! :)
I haven't found that to be a problem on any other box which is interesting. Also once it's past the POST and into the boot loader I would have thought it past the halt/don't halt stage. :-\ Weird.Steve
Have you tried or no if you you can do a failover setup with pfsense -
You mean failover between two WAN connections or between two pfSense boxes?
I have a mulitwan setup here at home. Works great.Steve
I would like to do both but to do a dual wan I would need two ISPS correct? but I want something in case the box just quits? -
Yes you need two incoming connections to do multiwan. It's better to have two separate ISPs since they are unlikely to both suffer a problem simultaneously.
You can do hardware failover using CARP: