Unable to figure out where this is coming from??
Below is a section of my System Log that I am trying to find out what is causing this. I am not sure I am in the right area but after searching I think this is where it belong. I am trying to figure out what is happening with my pfsense machine as these messages keep coming up. The dnsmasq error comes up lots more than this but this is the most recent that I have…
Jun 12 21:16:31 dnsmasq[44493]: failed to send packet: Host is down
Jun 12 21:16:31 dnsmasq[44493]: failed to send packet: Host is down
Jun 12 20:57:13 lighttpd[27842]: (connections.c.137) (warning) close: 12 Connection reset by peer
Jun 12 20:57:13 lighttpd[27842]: (connections.c.137) (warning) close: 12 Connection reset by peer
Jun 12 20:50:59 dnsmasq[44493]: failed to send packet: Host is down
Jun 12 20:50:59 dnsmasq[44493]: failed to send packet: Host is down
Jun 12 19:51:51 lighttpd[27842]: (connections.c.137) (warning) close: 11 Connection reset by peer
Jun 12 19:51:51 lighttpd[27842]: (connections.c.137) (warning) close: 11 Connection reset by peerI am fairly new to this and have had a box working for the last few years without any issues (had a good friend help me set it up and working great) I am just wanting to see if I can find some answers instead of always bothering him with things.. So if anyone can please help me start looking for where this might be coming from or what it really means I would greatly appreciate it..
I do not know exactly what these messages mean but in other threads I read that this is harmless. The developers just increases the logging output for some things which they hadn't enabled in the past. So at least the following message shouldn't make you nerveous:
lighttpd[27842]: (connections.c.137) (warning) close: 11 Connection reset by peer
I do not know exactly what these messages mean but in other threads I read that this is harmless. The developers just increases the logging output for some things which they hadn't enabled in the past. So at least the following message shouldn't make you nerveous:
lighttpd[27842]: (connections.c.137) (warning) close: 11 Connection reset by peer
Thanks for that news.. I am still not sure where to get info on the other error.. I have seen lots of things from searching (Google) but am not able to find any answers yet.. Will have to keep searching or hope someone else can figure this out or knows what to look for.