PfSense_ng theme crashes the Safari 7.0 content process when loading dashboard
Not sure if this is a bug in the theme, some widget or the browser
But I thought I mention it… -
Crashing browser is certainly not a theme or widget bug.
It only happens with the pfsense_ng theme. Of course a browser should be able to catch potentially bad scripts or html, but that does not exclude that ill formated (read: buggy) scripts or html push a browser's engine over the edge.
In an ideal world, neither will happen, but sometimes it requires a bug (in the browser) to expose a bug in a web site.
If anything the html/xhtml on 2.1 should be better and more conformant than previous versions. someone had gone through and made numerous fixes for standards compliance.
If anything the html/xhtml on 2.1 should be better and more conformant than previous versions. someone had gone through and made numerous fixes for standards compliance.
Not saying 2.1 is worse, it just happens to be the only version I have installed on any system, so I can't say how 2.0 interacts with the browser.
Anyway, not blaming anyone, just mentioning it, because unless the bug gets fixed in the browser, people will end up experiencing it once Safari 7 is out in the wild.
… and I think this started only about 2 days ago...
Another thing: Whenever I try to access the dashboard safari crashes AND the firewall beeps. I only noticed because this beep drives one of my dogs crazy ;) -
just found out that beep happens whenever I log in… can this be disabled somehow!? As I said, it's driving one of my dogs crazy :)
I already disabled the startup sound... -
System > Advanced, check "Disable logging of webConfigurator successful logins". I think that kills the beep.
By the way, it also crashes Safari the second Safari 6.1 seed.