Bandwidth CAP
Hello, I have searched and I am unable to come across a bandwidth cap. and what I mean by this is being able to cap a WAN connection by bandwidth and either activate rules or shut the port down after a set period of time say a 30 days cycle.
this is as I have a multi wan connection and 1 connection is unlimited bandwidth usage and the second connection is 300GB after that it is .50 cents a GB.
Bump..? Maybe I didn't explain myself clear enough?
ISP Plan only provides a limited amount of bandwidth, in my case 300GB per billing cycle ( Month / 30 days )
I would like to be able to monitor an interface per time period and if the 300GB is reached before the end of the month it will shut down the port or activate firewall rules , something so data is restricted to zero so in all essence you don't get over billed by the ISP.
Bump bump, no such feature, bump bump, write your own, bump bump, your ISP sucks bump bump…
Way to troll… And considering the it's pretty simple feature. and also MOST ISP's do have bw caps in north america. and also considering this is only 1 out of 2 of my connections that has a bw cap. I am not worried about my over all limit. Just on that connection.
<- WiFi
<- LANWho's ISP Sucks?
There is no such feature. Bumping will not make it happen. if it's pretty simple then it must be pretty simple for you to submit a patch to make it really happen. :P
There is no such feature. Bumping will not make it happen. if it's pretty simple then it must be pretty simple for you to submit a patch to make it really happen. :P
by really simple what I was stating was I figured someone would of already come up with this. and I would love to if I had the time.
I agree that having a feature that would track and possibly cap a users bandwidth tracking the clients by perhaps IP or MAC would be nice, and while its a great idea, not sure how EASY it is.
I agree that having a feature that would track and possibly cap a users bandwidth tracking the clients by perhaps IP or MAC would be nice, and while its a great idea, not sure how EASY it is.
Thats the thing both of those things are easily changeable and will add no real security. What you need done is captive portal whit RADIUS and then something that tracks each users bandwidth consumption. And thats a bit more work
what you could do is go to packages install bandwidthd and then manually block/mail those users.
@robtoronto I was looking for just the same solution. One ISP is fast but has a data cap and charges a lot after it has been reached. The other ISP is good enough for most things and has no data cap. When I reached my data cap, or perhaps got to within 90% of it, to have pfsense close down that ISP until the next billing month. Thank you for asking about this issue. It saved me trouble.