Hardware recomendations
So, I am looking to replace a current system with a different solution. Here are the specs on the network.
2 WAN (35-60mbs on one, 10-20mbs on other)
1 LAN (10 vlans)
(Total 4 interfaces)Packages being run:
Snort, Squid, HAVP, NMAP, Lightsquid, VPNHardware
32GB RAM transferred from other server (upgraded to 16GB sticks)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816101667 [chassis]
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117271 [Processor]
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148538 [2 mirrored]
Suggestions on quad nic for future expansionLooking for longevity on the system build and future expansion along with lower power consumption.
So, is this the system you have or the system you want? Sounds like the system you have.
To know how to future-proof your next system, need to know what your future needs might be? -
The hardware is what is going to be purchased.
As far as future needs, just expansion of people within the company. Normal manufacturing growth. Don't plan on running much more than those packages on the unit itself.
Massive over kill already… haha.
just pick intel nic cards.It will be idling.
The only thing I wonder about (since apparently price is no object to you for this purchase) is if maybe you might consider 2 large SLC SSD drives vs those 15k rpm hard drives?
Personally, I'm still sort of liking regular hard drives.
With experience I have seen there is nothing great about Intel cards. RealTek performs just as well.
While I doubt I'll be disagreeing with you as strongly as most of the people here and saying that realtek is junk, I will say that you will find yourself in a minority with that opinion. My realteks have been issues for me in the past, but my pci, pci-x, pcie ect intel cards have always be rock solid.
The older Realtek cards were indeed very badly thought of but their newer, Gigabit, offerings are much better. I'd still get Intel NICs given the choice though.
Just as FreeBSD is updated.. so as their supported drivers. Realtek as late as 2010 worked great with pfSense 2.0 beta. They were problematic with the earlier versions of pfSense coz they had little to no support for drivers. Its not the same anymore. I have built well over 15 systems for family and friends since 2010 and a lot of them have Realtek cards. Till date none have shown an forms of issues.
I in fact have issues with Intel on VMware. One can argue on VMware drivers.. but my take is.. it's more on the NIC chipset.