[Solved] CPU Usage widget - stuck at (Updating in 10 seconds)
The widget sometimes just gets stuck at this… cannot see any pattern, it mostly works. Anyone else seeing this? ???
I just hit two VMs, my edge firewall, and my ALIX, all on snaps from the last few days, and they're all OK.
If you leave a browser debug session active (Firebox, or Chrome's Developer Tools/JS Console), do you see any errors when it's attempting to do the AJAX requests?
Do the other widgets and other bars in the system info widget update OK?
Yeah, all other usage bars are fine… I'll try with the chrome console when I manage to hit this again.
Traced to broken Read Later Fast extension in Chrome.
Error in event handler for 'undefined': superfishjs is not defined ReferenceError: superfishjs is not defined
at chrome-extension://decdfngdidijkdjgbknlnepdljfaepji/js/contentScript.js:190:19
at <error: illegal="" access="">at Event.dispatchToListener (event_bindings:356:21)
at Event.dispatch_ (event_bindings:342:27)
at Event.dispatch (event_bindings:362:17)
at Object.chromeHidden.Port.dispatchOnMessage (miscellaneous_bindings:273:22) [VM] event_bindings (2679):346</error:>