Shell script - timeout command
any thoughts on a tool that is already installed on pfsense that will do the same thing as the timeout command? have a shell script, that I would like to timeout as a backup to it already exiting on its own.
made an SH script to accomplish what I needed. thought I would share it.
#! /bin/sh timeout=$1 sleeptime=$2 command=$3 # test pid is still around PIDActive() { pid=$1 test=`ps -p $pid | grep $pid` if [ -z "$test" ]; then return 1 fi return 0 } # run command & capture pid $command& commandpid=$! # What happens first? pid exits or timeout counter=0 while PIDActive $commandpid && [ "$counter" -le "$timeout" ]; do sleep $sleeptime counter=`expr $counter + $sleeptime` done # if we get to this point and the pid is still active, kill it PIDActive $commandpid && kill -s KILL $commandpid