Trigger custom event when wan ip changes
is it possible to run a custom event when wan ip changes or when check_reload_status: Syncing firewall event occurs?
i would like to run a cronjob when the above happens in pfsense so i can run my own event when something happens in pfsense, this way i dont need to run the event at regular itnervals but can have it automatic
If you install a package it will be called if the ip changes.
I though cron has a package and if you install it the call will come if ip changes. -
yes but i want to specifically run one command and cron package is installed but doesnt run it on ip change
Ah well yes because cron package on ip change just recreates the cron file :)
Its easy enough to create a package for running custom events when ip changes. -
any guide on how to create a package?
Just copy the cron package its the simplest one.
And you have to do something on start of the package, usually the function where the config is recreated on the pacakges. -
can u provide the link to manually download the package and edit it?
the reason i need this is because of another issue not related to this thread, when u create a dyndns entry with interface as wan failover group, sometimes when the wans switch the dns doesnt get updated at all