Weird problem IPSEC
"Make sure you have the exact settings used in the example on this page:"…
"My config is a bit different"
Anyway - I've only ever gotten the config above to work. Variations didn't go well for me. (Its touchy even set up that way)
Also, for me to get data to pass I always had to add forwarding route on my client to get it to work - and a DNS server IP.
I can't change the config, because we won't get the security we want to have, but actually I think the setup is just fine and works (most of the time)
It's just when I connect directly to the internet it won't workI can't post all the details, but the main settings are:
Phase 1
Authentication method: Mutual RSA + XAuth
Negotiation mode: Main
Policy Generation: Unique
Proposal Checking: Obey
Encryption algorithm: AES 256
Hash algorith: SHA512Phase 2
Encryption algorithms: AES 256
Hash algorithms: SHA512I think it goes wrong somewhere in phase 2, but I don't know what it could be.
Proposal Checking: Strict
Why obey?
As far as the AES 128/256 thing, I'd say there is no big difference.
AES either has a back dor or it hasn't but both 128 and 256 have yet to be cracked.
Anyway - looks like most of your settings are divergent from the manual - not just a few.
Ooh that's left of my trail and error, on Strict I've got the same result
Indeed, it's a bit different, I think the settings I have are a bit more secure.
But it's working most of the time, so seems to me the settings are correct.Here is the log:
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [Self]: INFO: respond new phase 1 negotiation: ServerIP[500]<=>ClientIP[500]
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: begin Identity Protection mode.
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsra-isakmp-xauth-06.txt
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-00
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-01
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-03
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: RFC 3947
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: received broken Microsoft ID: FRAGMENTATION
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: CISCO-UNITY
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [ClientIP] INFO: Selected NAT-T version: RFC 3947
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: Adding xauth VID payload.
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [ClientIP] WARNING: CR received, ignore it. It should be in other exchange.
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [Self]: [ServerIP] INFO: Hashing ServerIP[500] with algo #6
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: NAT-D payload #0 verified
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [ClientIP] INFO: Hashing ClientIP[500] with algo #6
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: NAT-D payload #1 verified
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: NAT not detected
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [ClientIP] INFO: Hashing ClientIP[500] with algo #6
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [Self]: [ServerIP] INFO: Hashing ServerIP[500] with algo #6
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: Adding remote and local NAT-D payloads.
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: WARNING: unable to get certificate CRL(3) at depth:0 <certificate details="">Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: WARNING: unable to get certificate CRL(3) at depth:1 <certificate details="">Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: Sending Xauth request
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [Self]: INFO: ISAKMP-SA established ServerIP[500]-ClientIP[500] spi:..
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: [ClientIP] INFO: received INITIAL-CONTACT
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: Using port 0
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: user '<user>' authenticated
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: INFO: login succeeded for user "<user>"
Sep 6 15:32:28 racoon: WARNING: Ignored attribute INTERNAL_ADDRESS_EXPIRY
Sep 6 15:32:34 racoon: [Self]: INFO: respond new phase 2 negotiation: ServerIP[500]<=>ClientIP[500]
Sep 6 15:32:34 racoon: INFO: no policy found, try to generate the policy :[0][0] proto=any dir=in
Sep 6 15:32:34 racoon: [Self]: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP ServerIP[500]->ClientIP[500] spi=..
Sep 6 15:32:34 racoon: [Self]: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP ServerIP[500]->ClientIP[500] spi=..
Sep 6 15:32:43 racoon: ERROR: no configuration found for ClientIP.
Sep 6 15:32:43 racoon: ERROR: failed to begin ipsec sa negotication.</user></user></certificate></certificate> -
Are you sure this works anywhere? Inside or outside the LAN?
I think you should just post your entire setup here and black out the public IP bits.
What do you need to know, because I posted almost everything.
But I'm not allowed to post everything.Only thing I didn't post is My identifier and Peer Identifier (but I tried different settings there, all gave the same result)
And I have NAT-T enabled, but when I dissable it it will give the same result
DPD dissabled (but enabled gave the same result either)
DH key group is set to 2 -
You can black out the juicy bits. There will be no way to hack you with a blacked out configuration.
Or not - Its up to you. Enjoy the VPN.
Some additional information
I have a log from a connection from home (there it's working)
And the difference isWorking:
Aug 27 10:13:00 racoon: INFO: no policy found, try to generate the policy :[0][0] proto=any dir=in
Aug 27 10:13:00 racoon: INFO: Adjusting my encmode UDP-Tunnel->Tunnel
Aug 27 10:13:00 racoon: INFO: Adjusting peer's encmode UDP-Tunnel(3)->Tunnel(1)
Aug 27 10:13:00 racoon: [Self]: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP ServerIP[500]->ClientIP[500] spi=..Not working:
Sep 6 15:32:34 racoon: INFO: no policy found, try to generate the policy :[0][0] proto=any dir=in
Sep 6 15:32:34 racoon: [Self]: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP ServerIP[500]->ClientIP[500] spi=..The part:
Aug 27 10:13:00 racoon: INFO: Adjusting my encmode UDP-Tunnel->Tunnel
Aug 27 10:13:00 racoon: INFO: Adjusting peer's encmode UDP-Tunnel(3)->Tunnel(1)…is not in the log for a non working version
I hope this will give some information
I will try to make a more clear config, but unfortunately providing the complete config is prohibit by law in my case
See - I'm wondering if you shouldn't be using manual outbound NAT? Just to test.
I'm wondering if port 500 is being handled as static port like it should be.
Seems like it POSSIBLY could be a NAT problem but its hard to work on a car when the guy he has a problem won't let you look under the hood.
hmm NAT, yes I do use manual outbound NAT
At the moment I can't access the config, so I can't give you more details.
I'm sorry I can't provide you all the info… I can give you some details about the NAT (but that's a long list) where should I look for?Maybe it has to do with the subnet, I have a small subnet on WAN, 2 addresses are assigned to both pfsense, 1 is the base CARP address and the rest of the IPs are aditional, the IPSEC is not running on the "base" address (not the default outbound adress) could that cause the problem?
And why does it work if the connections is coming from internet provider x,y and z and doesn't it work when the connection is from provider a,b and c -
If you messed up the settings on the manual outbound NAT for port 500, that would do it.
You need to have a setting at the very top to pass port 500 as static port. I had many subnets, so I put a rule in to pass a /16 as static on that port to take care of all the /24s. That rule should have been autogenerated, but it would be very easy to mess it up or to put in a rule before it that breaks it.