Problems Forwarding Ventrilo Server
UDP works just fine so long as you are not inside your own LAN trying to hit your own public IP. Thats NAT reflection and NAT reflection for UDP in pfsense no worky.
Are you doing that?
UDP works just fine so long as you are not inside your own LAN trying to hit your own public IP. Thats NAT reflection and NAT reflection for UDP in pfsense no worky.
Are you doing that?
I'm trying to what you mentioned here, as well as trying to hit the server from outside my local network to no avail. I just can't get the server to show up outside of the LAN.
So, I did some additional testing and it looks like port "3784" shows as "open" when I use the port scanner at yougetsignal. Port "6100" does not show as "open" even after forwarding the port through NAT. Maybe that's another clue as to why this isn't working?
Why do you need 6100?
Why do you need 6100?
From the Ventrilo forums
Note: You may have to configure any firewall/virus/spyware checkers to allow port 3784 (TCP and UDP) and 6100 UDP to pass thru. Consult the individual documentation.
I'm running vent on 1 single port… Just 3784.
Thats all I've ever needed.
Can you access vent from inside your LAN?
so I just downloaded the server real quick.. and fired it up.. And I see it listening on
[ventrilo_srv.exe]But it is not listing on 6100 UDP – So what is point of forwarding unsolicited traffic to something that is not there?
I can not seem to find any actual documentation of how it works and what ports are used for what, etc. So if it uses udp 6100 I am not sure where and how.. I can fire it up when I get home and actually make a connection to see if used..
But just when the server is started it is not listening on udp 6100.
Thats because its not listening on that port and unless mine has been using "the force" to communicate, it doesn't need 6100.
Its a fairly simple server and seems to act alot like IAX protocol in that it traverses NAT like a champ and needs 1 port only.It is mentioned here, but I don't open it and never have.
Well, looks like I just figured it out! It seems that I had conflicting NAT rules… Everything is working as it should now! Thanks for your help!
Good deal - Yeah. Its always easier to help people if they post their rules, but people are often a little shy to do that.
Guys if you are having trouble using ventrilo go to this site about ventrilo server. Here you might not have any difficulties using it. You can get your ventrilo server instantly. So check out that one time.
Nope - Mine works fine. But thanks for the help. ;)