How to build pfSense on FreeBSD V10
I just got some of the free time i wanted so bad LOL ( Got laid off )
Ouch! :(
So you're trying to build 2.2 effectively?
It's not possible to build 2.1 on top of FreeBSD 10. Most of the work that has gone into the 2.2 branch is to allow it to be built on 10.
Not that I've tried myself of course! ;)
Yeah… I'm trying my FreeBsd skills out LOL
I figured and try my hand at a 2.2 build with the OFED Stack
Well… some progress is made !
Last night I was too tired and hopped up on Mountain Dew Voltage LOLI was using
csup -h
fastest_cvsup -c tld -q
/usr/share/examples/cvsup/standard-supfileThis morning i looked closer to the Wiki and saw this…
Some ports require sources in /usr/src to build correctly.
So instead really should have been using this
csup -h
fastest_cvsup -c tld -q
/usr/srcNow I get the following message
Release not specified for collection "s"
I guess im on the right track …
Moving on and omitting the message for now LOL -
Well.. so far so good…
I choose the RELENG_8_3 :DRight now its at :
Obtaining FreeBSD Sources RELENG_8_3-supfile. . .
Keeping fingers crossed and hopeing it works !!
Trying and failing is better than not trying at all. You've got me beat already. :)
WoohohohoooNot a single error too !!
Moving onto Step 5.2A…
Now on 5.2B
Ugh… errors galore !!!
Plan for failure
It is expected that the first try to build the ports, and the first try to build an ISO will fail, but subsequent attempts work. This is because certain parts expect files or binaries to be present that get built on the first run but not fully used until the second. This may get fixed eventually, but because the workaround is easy (just run the build again), it's not a priority.I ran it again and still full of errors…
guessing thats due to V10 but i mainly think its because of this first initial error:Operation ./ has started at Sun Jan 26 12:26:30 MST
–> Preparing for pfPorts build buildports.RELENG_2_1
--> WARNING! We are about to run make includes.
--> Press CTRL-C to abort this operation. . . . .
==> Starting make includes operation. . .
make: "/usr/pfSensesrc/src/Makefile" line 178: warning : Couldn't read shell's output for "find /usr/pfSensesrc/src/sys/sys/param.h -mtime -0s"
make[2]: "/usr/pfSensesrc/src/Makefile" line 178: warning : Couldn't read shell's output for "find /usr/pfSensesrc/src/sys/sys/param.h -mtime -0s"
make[2]: "/usr/pfSensesrc/src/Makefile" line 178: warning : Couldn't read shell's output for "find /usr/pfSensesrc/src/sys/sys/param.h -mtime -0s"==> Compiling pfPorts. . .
Executing Build ports.RELENG_2_1
Setting ports List : '/home/pfSense/tools/builder_scripts/../builder_scripts/conf/pfPorts/buildports.RELENG_2_1'
Setting MAKEJ_ports (-j) to ' '
Setting ports make.conf: '/tmp/pfPorts_make.conf'After this everything is a catastrophe :/
Build [PACKAGE] (filename). . . Failed to build. Error log in /tmp/pfPorts/buildlogs/[PACKAGE]
After a bit of messing around I got to and found that there is an option that's not displayed on the wiki…
RELENG_10_0Also edited and instead of merging with head I forced it to merge with 8.3
I Will try again...Right now its at
" Obtaining FreeBSD sources RELENG_10_0-supfile. . . " -
Thanks for posting your progress on this.
I'm interested in building for freeBSD 10, for the improved Xen support that 10 has.
I just started downloading a v10 ISO to set up a build environment.
No luck yet…
Just chasing my tail here... I'm pretty close, but something is causing the build to fail.
So will have to keep poking at it until I either figure it out or someone drops in with a few words of wisdom... -
After a bit of messing around I got to and found that there is an option that's not displayed on the wiki…
RELENG_10_0Since FreeBSD 10 and pfSense 2.2 is brand new, the detail of the build instructions in the WiKi is going to talk about (FreeBSD 8.1 and pfSense 2.0.n) or (FreeBSD 8.3 and pfSense 2.1.n). So you will definitely have to always change anything like that, and use an educated guess to do a similar thing for (FreeBSD 10 and pfSense 2.2). And then work out what underlying stuff has changed in some non-obvious way also (either in FreeBSD itself, or the way it is built for pfSense).
Once the devs actually have a reasonable (FreeBSD 10 and pfSense 2.2) build themselves then I'm sure the WiKi will get updated, and there will be public snapshots. -
Thanks for the input phil.davis !
From what read / heard 2.2 will be built on V9 not on V10.
Mainly I'm after a running OFED stack… -
From what read / heard 2.2 will be built on V9 not on V10.
pfSense 2.2 is definitely now based on FreeBSD 10 (there will not be any pfSense for FreeBSD 9).
You have already posted to this thread:,69856.0.html - which has a few people interested and waiting for a useable FreeBSD 10 + pfSense 2.2 build to pop out. -
Today i just been off my rocker LOLI think tomorrow is a fresh start day... format and re-install everything from scratch.
No updates as of yet…
I have been spending my time on the minivan that needs a motor. Will probably get back on this on the weekend -
Maybe this will help someone :D
But i could come to building an .iso
These are the steps i did:DISCLAIMER these steps seemed to work for me for testing purposes. but i dont know if they are "correct" and wont contain serius issues. use at your own risk ! Also i noticed after using the build image and going through the webgui installation wizard, at the last step a system panic occurs... After rebooting and resetting the webgui (option 11), most stuff seams to work.. Im not sure if this is an issue caused by the early version and development progress on pfSense 2.2 or if it is caused by my steps.. install VirtualBox and configure a virtual machine like this: - disk 20GB - mem 1024 MB - cpu 2x - network: 1 bridged 0\. Install FreeBSD install: FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso default key map options: lib32 ports src NOT: doc,games disk: automatic (19GB disk / 1GB swap) -root pass: system -configure network interface 'em0' IPv4: dhcp -country: yours -services: sshd,dmpdev add users now? YES username: admin fullname: admin uid: <enter>logingroup: <enter>invite other groups: wheel class [default]: <enter>shell [sh]: <enter>home dir [/home/admin]: <enter>permissions default: <enter>password-based auth [yes]: <enter>empty/random: no pass: secret lockout[no]: <enter>another user: no ## Final Configuration ## Exit Manual Configuration?: No reboot ## the system is now installed ## to enable SSH login on console ## #become ROOT su -l #generate keys not needed: /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -A echo sshd_enable="YES" > /etc/rc.conf service sshd start ## allow root to login over ssh (NEVER DO THIS on a production machine, only for testing/easy access) echo PermitRootLogin yes > /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/rc.d/sshd reload ## SYSTEM NOW ENABLED for SSH root login ## login with PuTTY / SSH as root for running commands / WinSCP for editing and transfering files (use the root account to have access to everything) # 0-a Update your FreeBSD Install mkdir -p /usr/src/crypto/openssl/ssl freebsd-update fetch freebsd-update install # 0-b Make sure your OS clock is accurate ntpdate #### checking out ports / sources. #### ### 1\. Begin pfSense bootstrap by running these shell commands: echo "WITHOUT_X11=yo" > /etc/make.conf echo "OPTIONS_UNSET=X11" >> /etc/make.conf echo "BATCH=yo" >> /etc/make.conf mkdir -p /home/pfsense/pfSenseGITREPO /usr/pfSensesrc ### 2\. Grab ports and build GIT portsnap fetch extract cd /usr/ports/textproc/expat2 && make depends install cd /usr/ports/devel/git && make depends install cd /usr/ports/sysutils/fastest_cvsup/ && make depends install rehash ### 3\. Continue on with the GIT repo checkouts: cd /home/pfsense && git clone git:// tools cd /home/pfsense && git clone git:// freesbie2 cd /home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts && chmod a+rx *.sh ### 4.0 prepare some settings echo ## Make sure to use the correct OS sources (otherwise applying patches will fail): cd /usr/home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts/conf/svnup/ sed s,base/releng/8.3,base/releng/10.0, < svnup.conf > sed s,base/stable/10,base/releng/10.0, < > svnup.conf.new2 sed s,,, < svnup.conf.new2 > svnup.conf cd /usr/home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts/ echo "export USE_SVN=yes" >> sed s,stable/10,release/10.0.0, < > mv echo ## allow ports to be build against the newly installed openssl WITH_OPENSSL_PORT=yes cd /usr/home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts/conf/pfPorts/ sed s,WITH_OPENSSL_BASE,WITH_OPENSSL_PORT, < make.conf > mv make.conf ### 4\. Ensure FreeBSD sources are present cd /usr/ports/devel/subversion && make install clean rehash svn checkout /usr/src cp -iprv /usr/src /usr/pfSensesrc/ ### 5.1\. Set the version you would like to build, you can do this from ./ also. cd /home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts ./ RELENG_10_0 ### 5.2\. Invoke the Apply patches option cd /home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts ./ ## 5.2a Ensure BSDInstaller is sound rm -rf /home/pfsense/installer cd /home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts scripts/ ; scripts/ ## 5.2b Build pfPorts manually (optional) ## when rebuilding ports, some ports want/need the base system openssl version.. ## deinstall openssl port: cd /usr/ports/security/openssl make deinstall cd /home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts ./ ## troubleshooting building ports, check the 'failure logs' in: /tmp/pfPort/buildlogs/ (should be empty when building is done) ## for an idea about progress, check current console output and log in buildlogs folder and ## check progress against the file /usr/home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts/conf/pfPorts/buildports.RELENG_2_2 ## 5.3.0 to avoid error building cdrtools-3.00 "cc: error: no such file or directory: 'amd64'" while running cd /usr/ports/sysutils/cdrtools make install clean ## 5.3 Invoke the Build ISO option (no matter what kind of image you want) ## now start the compiling and building of memstick images and iso file cd /home/pfsense/tools/builder_scripts ./ ## p.s. this message is normal: "/usr/local/pfsense-clone/usr: write failed, filesystem is full" ## Which is explained a few lines above that.: "Don't worry if you see a 'filesystem full' message here" ## now cross your fingers and wait for the message to show it has finished building which should look like this:</enter></enter></enter></enter></enter></enter></enter></enter>
p.s. if anyone knows some improvements to these steps please let me/us know!
These instructions seems more complicated than it really is.
Also you would want the OPENSSL from base. -
maybe indeed you want openssl from base, however then in my attempts then the build process isn't successful. as part of the ports compilation the newer openssl is installed again and the other ports complain they want base.
i know building ports manually can probably be skipped, as make_iso also builds the ports… but the official wiki also does that. and it is usefull when trouble does happen.building cdrtools shouldnt be needed either, but solved getting the .iso besides the memstick versions which did build without that step.
changing the svnup.conf fixed applying patchesplease tell us your "simpler" but successful build steps. as the steps in wiki didnt seem to work 100% for people (or at least for myself)
you can avoid installing OpenSSL ports by using portmaster. It always presents you NCurse based "Option" menu, often you can choose other options instead of using OpenSSL, for example often it allows you choosing GnuTLS instead when some package asks for SSL support.
I did it with the Git. Did'nt install it by pkg install but went to /usr/ports/devel/git, started portmaster in it and laborously avoided choosing OpenSSL port anywhere. OpenSSL is always default choice, so you must be careful.
If the selected options do not play out and fail, you can always go to the folder of failing port and do make config (and make) in it again, and then build the port solo. Then go back to where portmaster failed and start it again. Portmaster jumps over point of previous failure and goes on.
So, step by step you can build necessary packages.Got stuck with building ipfw-classifyd module though. Whatever I do, I get error. No clue about C so I am unable fixing it myself:S
Overall, 2.2 seems to build quite error free in it's present statePS. Doing it for my own pleasure and interest, no reason to be afraid of sharing out buildimages..
Anybody else had any luck with this ??
I've gotten called back in and working 60hour week again :/