PFSense 2 Book Release Date
I ordered the first book. I plan on getting the new one as well. Anymore news on the progress and release date and is there some other books you would also recommend. Covering 2.x ?
No date for release yet.
There aren't any other books for 2.x that we can recommend.
It will be great if you add chapters about some popular packages (like squid) in new edition.
That's what I thought. All the other books I found had terrible reviews. That's why I purchased the first book. Thanks for your response and I'm waiting in anticipation for the release announcement. Hopefully it won't be to much longer
It's worth it to buy the new gold subscription!
Any update on when the book might be available to the public?
Victor -
No promised date for release = vaporware!
I like the first book. I found it helpful in setting up pfsense .
as with others I'm looking for updated information on the release of the new version of your book.
How is it coming and is there any light at the end of the tunnel yet. -
I got the gold membership (access to the books and monthly hangout plus config backup) I would recommend it to anyone
The draft copy of this book is available to be downloaded from the public! I found through my google search!
I hope that's not the unpublished pre-copy found only on the gold support site!
Can you give me a URL to download? -
Really? You're asking about that on the pfSense forum! ???
Have you any idea the effort that Chris and Jim put into the book?
Seriously guys, this is an Open Source project with a group of dedicated and professional guys in ESF coordinating and nowadays doing the vast bulk of development. They deserve to be able to eat and pay the mortgage. Pay your $US99, get the subscription, get the PDF of the book, get auto config backup, get the monthly "hangout".
The draft copy of this book is available to be downloaded from the public! I found through my google search!
PM me the search terms you used and the URL that had it and we can get it taken down if it's really there. I didn't see anything in the first couple of pages that was the 2.1 draft version.
The draft copy of this book is available to be downloaded from the public! I found through my google search!
PM me the search terms you used and the URL that had it and we can get it taken down if it's really there. I didn't see anything in the first couple of pages that was the 2.1 draft version.
Done, I've sent you the link & searching term.
Thanks, I passed it on and we'll try to get it taken down.
Edit: replied to a now deleted post.
Ah, well that is a problem. Something I'd not considered in fact. :-\