Static DHCP not showing in DNS
I had this working then we had a power outage, and the reboot stopped it working.
I have DHCP with static mappings to a few hosts… media and freepbx are the big ones that i would like to get going again.
I cannot ping them from the diag screen in the GUI, and when I do an nslookup:
chris@media:~$ nslookup media
Address:** server can't find media: NXDOMAIN
chris@media:~$ nslookup laptop3
Address: laptop3
Address: machine, but I do an NSlookup of a DHCP client
I go to my firewall:
ping pfsense
ping: cannot resolve pfsense: Unknown host
[2.1-RELEASE][admin@pfsense.home]/etc(44):I'm wondering where I should turn next.
On the DHCP page:
I have enable registration of dhcp in dns
.home as my domain
and my static mappingsOn DNS forwarder:
Enable DNS forwarder check
Register DHCP leases in DNS forwarder checked
Register DHCP static mappings in DNS forwarder checked
Resolve DHCP mappings first checkedQuery DNS servers sequentially unchecked
Require domain uncheckedDo not forward private reverse lookups checked
I'm not sure what other information would be useful, no errors that I see in the DHCP logs or system logs pertaining to DNS/DHCP events…
I rebooted and it was resolved.
I changed nothing.