DHCP lease count
how can i show the count of online dhcp lease like below?
![DHCP Lease.JPG](/public/imported_attachments/1/DHCP Lease.JPG)
![DHCP Lease.JPG_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/DHCP Lease.JPG_thumb) -
You want graphical row numbers or do you want an online/active dhcp total?
For total leases in file
cat /var/dhcpd/var/db/dhcpd.leases | grep -c lease
I want online/active dhcp total?
I want online/active dhcp total?
cat /var/dhcpd/var/db/dhcpd.leases | grep -c "binding state active;"
online gets a bit tougher because it checks arpdata.
If you are on 2.1 backup your status_dhcp_leases.php and put the attached version in its place. Or if you are on a different version you can try placing this code chunk in after the parsing switch statement.
$countactive = 0; $countonline = 0; foreach ($leases as $item) { if ($item['act'] === 'active') { $countactive++; } if ($item['online'] === 'online') { $countonline++; } } echo "Active: " . $countactive . " "; echo "Online: " . $countonline;
![2014-02-26 14_04_26-pfsense.localdomain - Status_ DHCP leases.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/2014-02-26 14_04_26-pfsense.localdomain - Status_ DHCP leases.png)
![2014-02-26 14_04_26-pfsense.localdomain - Status_ DHCP leases.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/2014-02-26 14_04_26-pfsense.localdomain - Status_ DHCP leases.png_thumb)
status_dhcp_leases.php.txt -
where the dhcp lease file located? i mean status_dhcp_leases.php file
where the dhcp lease file located? i mean status_dhcp_leases.php file
if you need to find things on command line you can use find
find / -name filename
if you need wildcards use
find / -name \*filename\*