CARP and DHCP server
"CARP (Failover)" under "Status" shows that the primary box is "Master," and the backup box shows "backup."
However, dhcpd on the primary box is disabled, and I cannot enable it. DHCP IP range on both boxes are same.
Normally, if I configure CARP, is the primary box turn off dhcpd automatically?
Do you have configured the "Failover peer IP" for the DHCP server and the CARP advskew correctly on both machines?
The DHCP service use "20" as threshold to determine whether a machine is backup or master. -
Failover IP should be fine. I read manual, and both machines have correct IP each other. But I am not sure about advskew. I saw it in the manual, but I could not understand what to do.
I thought I should have changed the number on these pages (attached - left is master, right is backup), but values are already there, and the left one is higher than right one.
I attached another screen shot (service.PNG). This is what I do not understand. dhcpd on the master does not start at all.
Could you help me to make my system work?
Thank you.
Check system logs, DHCP. The errors are usually helpful. Make sure you are using the IP of the Interface you are running DHCP on as the failover peer IP. eg- on the primary (if the primary is and secondary is .3)
Check the DHCP Log - Do you see an error message indicating that 'dhcpd is already running' ?
If so, remove the following file using the GUI Command Prompt: rm /var/dhcpd/var/run/
Thank you very much for your help.
Log told me some ideas. In my case, interface assignment on both devices was slightly different. After I reassigned them, it began to work.
Thanks again!