Do I have a /56 or /60
My WAN is configured for DHCPv6 with a delegation size of 60 with "send prefix hint" selected. I have two internal subnets which track the WAN and each get their own IPv6 prefix. I expected them to get their own prefixes on the same /60. But, the only thing they each have in common is the first 56 bits. Does this mean I have a /56 subnet from my provider? If I switch the WAN desired delegation size to 56 I get no IP6 previx on the tracking interfaces. I'm confused by the selection of the desired delegation size. What does it do exactly and why doesn't it represent what I get?
LAN1: 2601:2:4e88:ee0:
LAN2: 2601:2:4e88:ee1:Did I count the bits correctly?
Your /60 prefix should be
2601:2:4e88:ee8::2601:2:4e88:ee0::You can view that here: /var/dhcpd/etc/dhcpdv6.conf
Take that prefix and plug it in here:
Making the available /64's:
… etcIf you are Comcast residential, requesting a /56 will get you nothing.
Your /60 prefix should be 2601:2:4e88:ee8::
I believe that should be 2601:2:4e88:ee0::, no?
LAN1: 2601:2:4e88:ee0:
LAN2: 2601:2:4e88:ee1:Note that the numbers within each group are "right-aligned." I.e., these prefixes are exactly the same as the following:
LAN1: 2601:0002:4e88:0ee0:: LAN2: 2601:0002:4e88:0ee1:: ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^
Each digit represents four bits; if you compare the two prefixes, you'll see that their leftmost 15 digits match, so they're in the same /60.
Yes, thank you. That's where I went wrong. I see it now.