Firebox LCD Driver for LCDProc
Nice. Good to have options. :)
I've rebuilt the code from github to force the backlight always on.
You can grab the file from, sadly Dropbox doesn't work nicely with fetch…
You'll need to drop this in /usr/pbi/lcdproc-i386/lib/lcdproc/ and chmod 555 the file. Don't forget to back up your original! Once you reboot the backlight should be on.
Hi cii,
thx for your work… but dropbox send your as HTML-Text, not as a binary file... could you please zip your file and upload it again ?
I've rebuilt the code from github
Can someone give me a direct link to the github sources… i searched myself but didn't find the sources :'(
cu gunther
You can try this URL for a zipped version: was built from this repo (under FreeBSD 8.3) -
works fine, the display stays on… big THX cii ;)
btw the first dropbox-link is also working now... very strange :o
cu gunther
under pfsense 2.1 with the latest LCDproc-Dev driver you can configure the displayed entries via the webconfigurator inside the LCDproc Service Menu:
1. Simply navigate to the LCD-Proc Service Menu: 'Services -> LCDproc'
Click on "Enable LCDproc at startup" and change the settings as shown on the picture, like stephenw10 mentioned in this posting
2. Then click on the "Screens" Tab to see the following menu
and choose what the display should display, then click the "SAVE" button at the bottom of the page!
And your LCD become alive ;)
3. If your LCD shows only the following picture
This means that your lcdproc-client "died", happens for me on every reboot… don't know why... i will have a look inside the php-script ( lcdproc-client is really a php-shell-script )
Simple workaround... is to restart the lcdproc by hand ( 1. via command line, 2. via shellcmd )
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ restart
and all is fine... and running!
cu gunther
If you find a solution to that problem please tell us. :)
I have personally tried many, many modifications to the lcdproc client and start/stop scripts. None of them were very successful. That's the reason I have ended starting the client and server outside of the package system as detailed in that post.
There is a lot of discussion about it in the lcdproc-dev thread in the packages subforum.Steve
If you find a solution to that problem please tell us. :)
It took me a while to find the "real" problem.
As I mentioned my problem occured only after a startup ( reboot, power on ), the LCD-Daemon is running but obviously no Client.
If you simply restart the LCDproc via /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ after the boot everything is fine and stays fine!
Q: So whats wrong during the startup/system boot ???
A: Both scripts ( /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ and /usr/local/pkg/lcdproc_client.php ) itself are fine!The "real problem" is the OS… pfSense since version 2.1 has a "startup" bug!
I must take a deeper look into the the system rc-scripts/configuration.
The only thing i can tell right now is... that since pfSense 2.1 every script under /usr/local/etc/rc.d gets called twice ( with a pause of ~3 seconds ) during the system startup/boot
You can easily modify the to prevent a double start, actually there is already some code inside the "rc_start section", but this code seems not to work well!
>>> Here's a video showing the "problem/bug" <<<
stay tuned… i'll be back 8)
cu gunther
You'll find it gets started at least twice and that depending on what else you're loading and what speed your CPU is the resulting number of clients and servers can vary.
There is much in the lcdproc-dev thread, for example here:
You'll find it gets started at least twice and that depending on what else you're loading and what speed your CPU is the resulting number of clients and servers can vary.
There is much in the lcdproc-dev thread, for example here:
Hi steve,
I updated my previous posting… I forgot the video link!
This problem/bug has nothing to do with LCDproc !!!
I made a simple test script and put it under /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
The script simply redirect it's output to a file under /tmp/debug_log.txtInside the script i only call the 'date' command and echo the $1 value !!!
Both VM's are fresh installed from the LiveCD... Quick Install, Standard Kernel, no changes!
Under 2.03 the script is processed/called 1 time ( which is correct ) under 2.1 ( and above ) it's processed/called 2 times during the startup !
Why is my script called twice... this doesn't make any sense to me ???
cu gunther
Yes, interesting. I think in fact most of the investigative work done in the lcdproc-dev thread was before 2.1 was even in beta.
One thing to note is that the package system will restart all the packages if an interface goes down or up which can be a problem during boot. It should not do that IMHO. Another thing is that the lcdproc rc script issues a killall for the server and client so even if three clients have been started (which I've seen) they are all killed. Another thing is that the first instance of LCDd is 'un-killable' such that it doesn't get killed by the script and a new instance is started but fails because it can't attch to the parallel port.
Also of note is that we removed the loop script that continually restarted the server and client if it wasn't running. This seemed completely superfluous in 2.0 but since then a time limit on php processes has been introduced (I think) so that the php client will eventually die.Perhaps the most interesting thing is that this is only a problem with the sdeclcd driver. Users with other LCD types run lcdproc-dev without any issues.
One thing to note is that the package system will restart all the packages if an interface goes down or up which can be a problem during boot.
Yes that causes the problem… I wonder how I've overlooked this error messages in system.log all the time :o
Apr 18 22:04:38 pfSense php: rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: Informational is starting em0. Apr 18 22:04:38 pfSense php: rc.newwanip: rc.newwanip: on (IP address: (interface: wan) (real interface: em0). Apr 18 22:04:41 pfSense check_reload_status: Updating all dyndns Apr 18 22:04:45 pfSense php: rc.bootup: Creating rrd update script Apr 18 22:04:45 pfSense syslogd: exiting on signal 15 Apr 18 22:04:45 pfSense syslogd: kernel boot file is /boot/kernel/kernel >>> Apr 18 22:04:45 pfSense php: rc.start_packages: Restarting/Starting all packages. Apr 18 22:04:46 pfSense login: login on ttyv0 as root Apr 18 22:04:46 pfSense sshlockout[58995]: sshlockout/webConfigurator v3.0 starting up Apr 18 22:04:46 pfSense php: rc.newwanip: Resyncing OpenVPN instances for interface WAN. Apr 18 22:04:46 pfSense php: rc.newwanip: Creating rrd update script Apr 18 22:04:48 pfSense php: rc.newwanip: pfSense package system has detected an ip change -> ... Restarting packages. Apr 18 22:04:48 pfSense check_reload_status: Starting packages Apr 18 22:04:48 pfSense check_reload_status: Reloading filter >>> Apr 18 22:04:51 pfSense php: rc.start_packages: Restarting/Starting all packages.
But if you use static IP's for WAN & LAN the restarts aren't triggered ! All is fine then.
The default is DHCP for WAN…It should not do that IMHO.
Fully agree with that!
Another thing is that the lcdproc rc script issues a killall for the server and client so even if three clients have been started (which I've seen) they are all killed. Another thing is that the first instance of LCDd is 'un-killable' such that it doesn't get killed by the script and a new instance is started but fails because it can't attch to the parallel port.
Indeed… after the system is up there are 2 LCD's and one "unfinished/waiting/hanging" ' start' process running!
[2.1.2-RELEASE][root@pfSense.localdomain]/root(1): ps -auxww | grep -i lcd root 6656 0.0 0.1 3644 1496 ?? IN 0:00.00 /bin/sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start root 7886 0.0 0.1 3300 1136 ?? IN 0:00.00 /usr/pbi/lcdproc-i386/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf -u nobody nobody 8224 0.0 0.1 3316 1360 ?? SNs 0:00.26 /usr/pbi/lcdproc-i386/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf -u nobody
If you kill the LCDd process running as root / PID 7886 in this case… the script proceeds and finaly connect to the "real" LCDd and all is good, display gets alive!
Also of note is that we removed the loop script that continually restarted the server and client if it wasn't running. This seemed completely superfluous in 2.0 but since then a time limit on php processes has been introduced (I think) so that the php client will eventually die.
I disliked the used rc_start code/logic inside the script since I've looked the first time into that file.
IMHO there shouldn't be a kill/termination of the "services" you are trying to start inside that procedure, if something went wrong with that kills you end up ( as you allready mentioned ) with multiple instances of running LCDd and lcdproc_client.php scripts.Why not simply check inside the rc_start if there is already a LCDd & lcdproc_client.php running and react on that in a proper way.
- If no LCDd is running: Start it, if it's already running then ignore that 2.nd start request completely
- Same thing for the lcdproc_client.php, further… only start the lcdproc_client.php if there is a LCDd running, because without a LCDd the start of the php script is useless
Something like that should be used inside the rc_start segment of to be "save":
rc_start() { if [ ! `pgrep -anx LCDd` ]; then /usr/bin/nice -20 /usr/local/sbin/LCDd -c /usr/local/etc/LCDd.conf -u nobody fi if [ ! `pgrep -f lcdproc_client.php` ] -a [ `pgrep -anx LCDd` ];then /usr/bin/nice -20 /usr/local/bin/php -f /usr/local/pkg/lcdproc_client.php & fi }
Perhaps the most interesting thing is that this is only a problem with the sdeclcd driver. Users with other LCD types run lcdproc-dev without any issues.
Maybe they use static IP addresses! It should not be a driver problem.
cu gunther
It should not be a driver problem.
Indeed it should not yet it seems to be.
My only thoughts on that were that the sdeclcd driver somehow had a delay in initialising the hardware such that it is unable to start/stop in the required time when multiple restarts are called at boot. That might also explain why the driver seems to work better on the X-Core box which has a slower CPU. However no amount of adding or removing delays from the start script seemed to really solve the problem.Interestingly using the Shellcmd package to start the client and server outside of the package system the commands only get run once. It might be worth looking at how shellcmd is arranged to run only once.
Interestingly using the Shellcmd package to start the client and server outside of the package system the commands only get run once. It might be worth looking at how shellcmd is arranged to run only once.
shellcmd add entries to /cf/conf/config.xml and does not use /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
cu gunther
Ah, yes of course.
Here's a new way to avoid the "restarts", multi-runs of /usr/local/etc/rc.d files at startup!
At least the way I did it ;)
Apr 20 21:05:23 pfSense php: rc.newwanip: pfSense package system has detected an ip change -> ... Restarting packages.
Strange… why is the restart triggered ??? there is no change in my WAN IP address at all !
So I looked inside the /etc/rc.newwanip script to see whats going on:
if (!is_ipaddr($oldip) || $curwanip != $oldip || !is_ipaddrv4($config['interfaces'][$interface]['ipaddr']))
If any of these 3 conditions are true then the restart_packages() gets triggered.
The first 2 conditions are fine… it's the 3rd who triggers
If WAN configuration is set to DHCP then
$config is set to dhcp, and so the is_ipaddrv4("dhcp") returns false, because dhcp is clearly not an IPV4 address.
Till pfSense 2.0.3 this if-condition contained the first 2 conditions only!
So finally I looked inside the /etc/inc/ which contains the implementation of this is_ipaddrv4() function
and added this code inside the function:
if ( $ipaddr == "dhcp" ) return true;
Now everything works fine… and you can leave the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ script as it is.
cu Gunther
Thanks for doing all this debugging on the LCDproc-related problems (and globally all you did on the firebox-pfsense project). Your work is much appreciated!
So finally I looked inside the /etc/inc/ which contains the implementation of this is_ipaddrv4() function
and added this code inside the function:
Code: [Select]
if ( $ipaddr == "dhcp" )
return true;Now everything works fine… and you can leave the /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ script as it is.
Tried implementing this as you said, inside the is_ipaddrv4() function, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong, when I rebooted the firewall apinger was shown as not running and this is what I had in the logfiles:
Apr 21 08:36:03 apinger: Starting Alarm Pinger, apinger(19845) Apr 21 08:36:03 apinger: No usable targets found, exiting
Here's what the function looks like:
/* returns true if $ipaddr is a valid dotted IPv4 address */ function is_ipaddrv4($ipaddr) { if ($ipaddr == "dhcp") return true; if (!is_string($ipaddr) || empty($ipaddr)) return false; $ip_long = ip2long($ipaddr); $ip_reverse = long2ip32($ip_long); if ($ipaddr == $ip_reverse) return true; else return false; }
What I am doing wrong? If I remove the added lines and reboot, everything is back to normal.
Hmm, this is tricky to my head around. More coffee perhaps! (more likely less :P)
It seems odd that this check is for a valid IP address in the config. If it always failed on dhcp (and presumably, pppoe or any thing other than static) why does it eventually stop renewing the interfaces?
Simply adding that line seems dangerous, though I have no actual code to point to to back that up.Steve
What I am doing wrong? If I remove the added lines and reboot, everything is back to normal.
Please answer me 2 questions:
1. What is the "Alarm Pinger"… is it a addon package ?
2. What version of LCDProc-Dev & pfSense do you use ?I'll have a deeper look into it... tommorow ;)
Hmm, this is tricky to my head around. More coffee perhaps! (more likely less :P)
It seems odd that this check is for a valid IP address in the config. If it always failed on dhcp (and presumably, pppoe or any thing other than static) why does it eventually stop renewing the interfaces?
- That is indeed a good question… why is this not turning into an endless loop ?
- I'll also take a look what pfSense 2.0.3 carries in the "$config['interfaces'][$interface]['ipaddr']" Array, I'm pretty sure it's the real IP address that you receive from your DHCP server instead of the word "dhcp".
I asume that after the restart… pfSense versions > 2.0.3 return also the real IP inside that "$config array"... otherwise you would get that mentioned "endless loop" !
Simply adding that line seems dangerous, though I have no actual code to point to to back that up.
yes it is !
Another approch could be to touch a file if "pfsense" does that restart and check inside the scripts under /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ if that file is there and if so simply exit and do nothing!
cu gunther
Please answer me 2 questions:
1. What is the "Alarm Pinger"… is it a addon package ?
2. What version of LCDProc-Dev & pfSense do you use ?I'll have a deeper look into it... tommorow ;)
1. Sorry I didn't noticed where this apinger came from. It is described as "Gateway Monitoring Daemon". The only packages I run is LCDProc-Dev and phpSysInfo.
2. LCDProc-Dev-0.5.6 pkg v. 0.9.7 (lightly modded, as per what I've found in the forum), pfSense 2.1.2-RELEASE (i386)Fresh installation from a few days ago.
ArkAngel -
Hi, I should not post nore asume anything on a late evening !
2.nd I should read my previous postings again !Please answer me 2 questions:
1. What is the "Alarm Pinger"… is it a addon package ?
2. What version of LCDProc-Dev & pfSense do you use ?I'll have a deeper look into it... tommorow ;)
1. Sorry I didn't noticed where this apinger came from. It is described as "Gateway Monitoring Daemon". The only packages I run is LCDProc-Dev and phpSysInfo.
2. LCDProc-Dev-0.5.6 pkg v. 0.9.7 (lightly modded, as per what I've found in the forum), pfSense 2.1.2-RELEASE (i386)Fresh installation from a few days ago.
ArkAngel1. Ok, thanks for the info… I'm pretty new to pfSense!
2. that is the same setup I haveOK… here I go again!
Till pfSense 2.0.3 this if-condition contained the first 2 conditions only!
So finally I looked inside the /etc/inc/ which contains the implementation of this is_ipaddrv4() function
and added this code inside the function:
if ( $ipaddr == "dhcp" ) return true;
That was not the best idea… especially if you read the first sentence again!
stephenw10 also replied "It seems odd that this check is for a valid IP address in the config".
This check for a valid IPV4 address should be inside the function that is called after you hit the SAVE-Button inside the webconfigurator!So leaf the /etc/inc/ untouched… and instead of this if-statement inside the /etc/rc.newwanip
if (!is_ipaddr($oldip) || $curwanip != $oldip || !is_ipaddrv4($config['interfaces'][$interface]['ipaddr']))
get rid of the 3.rd / is_ipaddrv4 condition and try this:
if (!is_ipaddr($oldip) || $curwanip != $oldip )
That should be a better/saver solution, with less side-effects !
If your Alarm Pinger still won't work with that new code… then probably there is something wrong/incompatible with your mentioned other "slightly mods".
I'll take a deeper look into the rest this afternoon:
cu gunther