Pfsense won't talk to modem
This on has gotten me beat. Just switched back to residential cable from Comcast business. Everything worked great under the business modem. Switched out to my new Motorola SB6121 and suddenly the firewall won't get an ip address from it. Hook my laptop straight into the modem and have insta internet. I have been thru every setting I can think of, powered stuff up and down and had refresh signals sent. It refuses to see it. Is this a hardware conflict????
Did you switch your WAN authentication modes in pfSense, by any chance? If so, you may need to go to “System–Routing–Gateways” and delete the old gateway.
If everything else is the same between Laptop and pfSense, you can try copying the laptop’s NIC MAC address to the pfSense WAN interface.
Switch off your modem for a while then try again.