ISP configuration - New subnet on existing interface
Dear all,
In these days I'm trying to understand if Pfsense could be a valid solution for a ISP network.
I have implemented a testing network where test all the possible scenarios.I have 2 PFsense in HA configuration.
I have configured 1 "global" WAN and 1 LAN per customer.
On the WAN interface is configured a /29 network. All the customer's networks are forwarded to Pfsense using a static ip route on the BGP router. Ip route forwards all the incoming traffic to WAN VIP.Usually I assign a public /29 subnet to my customer.
My problem is this: if a customer requests more than /29 IP (in a successive moment), I want to be able to add a new subnet on the customer's interface (I don't want to create a new interface)
I have tested some different configurations, but I'm not been able to have a working solution.If somebody is working in the same scenario, can share his configuration with me??
Thank you so much!!!