Looking for man page for pfSense version of pfctl
I'm back with another dumb question. Can someone point me to the man page for pfctl? The pfSense pfctl appears to have several important switches that do not exist in the FreeBSD version. (ex. -y -b)
These locations don't help unfortunately:
http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=pfctl&apropos=0&sektion=8&manpath=FreeBSD+8.3-RELEASE&arch=default&format=html -
The page from FreeBSD is the closest. We don't have any docs on the added switches (officially or unofficially), other than by looking at the source and patches to see their meaning by the context in which they're used.
other than by looking at the source and patches to see their meaning by the context in which they're used.
Thanks jimp. That was actually where I went first… but the source is harder to see nowadays than most. I'm slowly grinding my way through the super secret authorization source code access process. ;)