Mobo stress test tool on pfsense
just bought mobo with d2550 and 4 intel 82583V lan ports.
=installed 2.1 and all the ports were easily recognized and basically working but have reached a point where it just stops forwarding traffic to the internet
=upgraded to 2.1.4 and the problem still persist
=a step up again and upgraded to 2.2 snapshot and now it is working for 24 hrs without the previous issues.
what could be the best friendly tool i could use to further the testing of the board with pfsense like traffic forwarding etc.thanks
If you want test the throughput there is a tool named netio or iperf… You could find the benchmark in "available packages"..
maybe something like windows apps..
There are windows iperf clients/servers.
So when the traffic stops is the box still responsive? Anything in the system logs?Steve
yes it is responsive as i can still navigate on the webconfigurator..
only thing now is
- iam running now the 2.2 snapshot just on a usb stick (no problem at all)
NOTE: previous issues was when i ran 2.1 and 2.1.4 on a msata ssd..havent tried 2.2 on this same storage yet..will try 2.2 on msata when i got chance again…
did you try this:
Show us your "state table size" and "MBUF usage" values please..
Do you have any collisions on your network interface?
i dont see my nics 82583V listed on either EM and IG
Where are you looking?
The 82583 will be using the em(4) driver:
#define E1000_DEV_ID_82583V 0x150C
{ 0x8086, E1000_DEV_ID_82583V, PCI_ANY_ID, PCI_ANY_ID, 0},
Unless of course your 82583V is something unusual that doesn't appear as PCI VID 8086 PID 150C. You should be able to see that either at the POST of using the pciconf command at the console.
ya in the initial pfsense setup it also shows em0 to em3…dont you think this issue is already solved on 2.2 snapshot. I am already running the 2.2 on my mSATA and things are working for 5 hrs now..