Snort is now EOL for rule support
Per this post:
Snort is now EOL for rule support there will be no more rules updates for - which is the latest available for pfSense in 3.0.13 package.Version is needed to stay current for some time…
There is an update pending in the queue (binaries are already in place) that should be showing up in the near future.
There is an update pending in the queue (binaries are already in place) that should be showing up in the near future.
jimp is correct. The updated PBI packages for the binary are in place. I submitted the Pull Request to the pfsense-packages Github repository yesterday afternoon containing the necessary GUI updates to utilize the new binary and associated rules updates. Hopefully the review and merge can be completed soon.
Ok, great thanks! Hope it will become available soon.
I consider Snort/Suricata an essential part of pfSense, so not having current rules won't have much sense :)
Ok, great thanks! Hope it will become available soon.
I consider Snort/Suricata an essential part of pfSense, so not having current rules won't have much sense :)
I wanted to have the update out much earlier, but some family issues took priority and I missed my target dates.
That is ok, Bill, as long as it is in the pipeline… :)
And family issues should be of higher priority.
looks like is available for download ;D
my i386 box updated without any issues so far.
looks like is available for download ;D
Yep…just posted a new topic with the Release Notes.
Yes, great thanks, that was quick :)
Upgraded as well, seems to be working normally so fr.