Reach Remote-Remote Network
Hi there!
I have the following setup:Site B <–---> Site A <-----> Site C
Site B
Site A
Site C
Tunnels are up and working fine from B <-> A and C <-> A
I can easily reach host in net A from B and C.
Now I want hosts in net B to be able to reach hosts in C. I tried adding a second phase2 entry (local LAN: LAN Remote Network: to pfsense @ B and (local LAN: LAN remote network: on pfsense @ C.This doesn't work. Can anyone help?! Thanks!
You need to set the "Local network" to the opposite remote network… ie on the A-C phase2 you set the local subnet to the B subnet and the remote one to the C subnet, and on the A-B one you set the local network to C subnet and the remote one to the B subnet.
Hope that makes sense