Upnp errors
from the past 2 nanobsd snapshots for alix, im seeing this error
Sep 27 18:14:22 miniupnpd[3287]: Can't find in which sub network the client is Sep 27 18:14:22 miniupnpd[3287]: Can't find in which sub network the client is Sep 27 18:14:22 miniupnpd[3287]: Can't find in which sub network the client is Sep 27 18:14:22 miniupnpd[3287]: Can't find in which sub network the client is
config wise nothing has changed since 2.0.1 and under permissions i have the below and by default deny access ticked
allow 1024-65535 1024-65535
In my config I have it stated that is to use full 32 bit address
allow 1024-65535 1024-65535
What network do you have setup on your lan?
From my understanding you need to use the CIDR mask in your statement if just one address then /32 if a range of address than change the CIDR to reflect the range of IPs that are allowed or denied
on another system i have no rules set and i stillg et this error so it has nothing to do with the permissions entry, bytheway my lan is /24
well its possible your seeing traffic from some some weird IP – Do a sniff, what upnp packets are you seeing when it logs that?
Is it possible your listening on some other interface other than your lan?