Lightsquid and sarg not working
Lightsquid and sarg not working :-[
/usr/local/etc/lightsquid içerisinde lightsquid.cfg dosyasını editleyip
#path to access.log
$logpath ="/var/squid/logs"; olarak squid rapor klasorunun yerini belirtin normal ayarları farklı bir klasor yolu var.
yukarıdakileri denermisin bende 2.2 de sorunsuz kullanıyorum
still did not work
pfsense 2.2 rc squid3-dev + lightsquid not working
google chrome
404 - Not Foundi.e
blank page -
Sorry to spoil your christmas, but at this moment 3.3 dev has been removed from the package list.
Squid 3.4.9 didn't work at all, and 3.4.10 doesn't work either.
Lightsquid and Sarg do not work on 2.2 yet, we will have to wait until proper packages are released.Cheers.
squid3 - 3.4.10_2 pkg 0.2 install
reboot and shell command
killall squid
cd /usr/pbi/squid-amd64/
cp -r ./local/* /usr/local/
rm -rf ./local
ln -s /usr/local ./local
squidsquid is working.
squidGuard-devel install
http/https block working :) -
As cmb pointed out before on another topic, this isn't the right fix for squid 3.x. It works, but there are symbolic links that were never created when the package is installed. Once they are created/corrected, it should work. Only issue i've found so far is with c-icap not starting even after after creating a bunch of symbolic links based on errors when trying to start it manually from the shell. I didn't try transparent mode or ssl mitm as I have no need for it
Lightsquid uses perl and is experiencing the same issue where no symbolic links were created from what I can tell. I'm also think its missing some options when it was compile.