APU1D with LTE Huawei ME909u-521
The two ports you listed, cuau0 and cuau1, are the on-board serial ports. USB connected serial devices appear as: cuaU*.
Have you used this card with any other OS? How is it supposed to be setup?
What sort of interface does it appear as?
Yea i jumped the gun and assumed it was the same as the Huawei i tested(earlier model). I would suggest you check your interfaces and see if you have an UE0 or similar. If you do you can forget it..Otherwise as steven says start picking different ports to check using prefixes cuaU0.xxx for use and reboot and check PPP log. I seriously doubt it. Check all the cuaU0.0 thru cuaU0.6 or whatever you have. The UGEN on bootup will tell you if it will work.
Also i live in North America and know the MC7700 works here(I see you are in Europe). There are different variants for GSM and CDMA so I was just throwing the recommendation out there as a know working modem..Pls check the specs.
To see if your current modem is supported in pfSense look for something like this on bootup text:
UGEN 1.3(Huweii Wireless) has found 6 ports
If so you can try the all the cuaU0.0-cuaU0.6 ports -method. If you see only cuaU0 or cuaU1 and no suffix then it probably is not supported.
For a while I thought that the Ugen(ie.1.3) numbers had a relationship to the CcuaU0.0 ports ie. cuaU0.3 for ugen1.3 but that was totally wrong. You just need to have a UGEN(modem maker)X.x in your bootup text and start trying different cuaU0.x ports.
Hi guys
Thanks for all your inputs. Highly appreciated.
The only place I seem to find "huawei" is here : ugen3.2: <huawei technology="">at usbus3
But it doesn't look right, does it ? No ports@stephenw10
The card is brand new, newer used it before (on any other setup or OS)
I didn't know the cuau0 & cuau1 were onboard serialports. Those are the only choice im given within ppp interface configuration :(Do I need ppp for 4G ? (I dont know if this works the same was as 3G)
- wouldn't I just want to assign the LTE / 4G hard directly as an Interface, eg. OPT2, without ppp ?With the Huawei card, im given an option within the Assing Interface, called eu0 (and a mac address for Huawei) - is that the right way to configure the 4G connection ?
Do I need to install special drivers for the Huawei ? How do I go about that ?
Meanwhile, I've (finally) got my hands on a Sierra card, the MC7710 (which should be the right model for local networks, as far as I can make out, studying the specs.)
If I understood the situation correctly, I might stand better chances getting the Sierra up and running ?Best to you all,
and a big Thanks for you help so far</huawei> -
Is that a typo, do you mean ue0?
Hi Steve,
Yeah, you are right, a typo. :-[
-sorry about that.It should be ue0 (not eu0)
Ok well yours is the same as my older Huweii. No interface for 3G/4G connections with "ue0" interfaces. Nowhere to input APN. You can get it working with Ubuntu Network Manager. I did on mine.
So on to MC7710 -if you did buy one there is two possible modes of firmwares. One for DirectIP mode and QMI mode. Most ship with QMI factory new(Proprietary driver mode(Windows). So you must flash it to directIP mode and then use pfSense-PPP connection- assigned to any interface you choose… If you have trouble finding the firmware leave a note here i will paste link.
The MC7700 uses cuaU0.4 for setup reference.
Regarding the MC7710 if it costs a great deal more than the MC7700 i would consider the MC7700. I am using the MC7700 on carrier T-Mobile but they specify the MC7710 for that carrier so it shouldn't work but it does.. What it boils down to is frequencies and bands. For instance here we use 700mhz and B17. Looking at you region it seems maybe 800mhz...
Thanks Phishfry,
With your info, I have the feeling that the goal is not too far away anymore…
I did get the MC7710, the price wasn't too bad. Bought it on Ebay from a seller in Germany.
I haven't a clue on how to flash the MC7710 ? Any help highly appreciated !Would I be able to flash the MC7710 by using the Mini PCIe slot in my old Compaq 2510p do you think ? (its running Ubuntu 14.04 at the present, but if needed, that could be changed. Temporarily. ;)
Regarding frequencies :
As far as I've been able to find out, my ISP uses three different frequencies for LTE / 4G : 800, 1800 and 2600 Mhz
When it comes to 3G, they use 2100 Mhz and (rarely) 900 Mhz -
Well the Sierra flasher requires Windows, but since you bought off ebay try it in your APU box first.
Look for ugen 1.2 found(Sierra Wireless) 6 Ports. Or similar text. If you see similar text you are in DirectIP mode(DIP) and the device is recognized by pfSense. Assign it PPP(cuaU0.4 and you APN settings) and assign to an Interface, reboot and check system/ppp logs.If you device seems like its not being found by pfSense then you need to flash it to DIP. Myself being a newbie to Cell data stuff -I used Windows and Sierra Connection Manager to make sure all is good first, and your laptop will work fine for that, but sim slot may be an issue if your laptop is not a WWAN model…There are different Windows drivers for DIP or QMI modes. Different Sierra connection manager as well. So you can tell from there which mode it is in.
There is actually a "mode switcher" Windows utility from Sierra as well. I usually flash to newest DIP-ROM for maximum compatibility.But if pfSense picks up your MC7710 than you really don't need to do this. It just works. Look for a IP in your dashboard to confirm working. Also you may need to use OpenDNS or similar depending on your local carrier. If you have an IP but can't pull up webpages try OpenDNS.
I've tried the Sierra-card in the APU1D,
it gives me ugen3.2: <sierra wireless,="" incorporated="">at usbus3With no ports mentioned at the end of the string, I guess I need to do the DIP flash, right ?
Theres no new ports available for ppp signing, which I guess makes sense.</sierra>
Exactly as you predicted, the Compaq won't startup with the MC7710 inserted, due to the lack of WWLAN capability on this model. Sweet.
hmm.. I've got an Intel Nuc, which of course also supports mini pcie, but I guess that will probably have the same wwlan issue…
I would expect the NUC to work. Laptops often have whitelists of devices their manufacturers have deemed to be suitable in the bios. No reason for the NUC to have that.
Another problem presented itself, there isn't enough physical free space to mount the MC7710 in the NUC… :(
You could get a USB-miniPCIe adapter such as the one referrenced here:
I am afraid the Sierra flasher and even the switcher utility require a SIM. Maybe there is an Ubuntu tool for mode switching. QMI has only recently been integrated in their NetworkConnection Manager. Just some thoughts…
That or spring for a Sim adapter for your laptop. I have other threads here with details.
Ebay guy has these nice ones back in stock, I used these on my Aopen DE5100 MIFI i built for our IT guy..http://www.ebay.com/itm/MM3U-DB3U-V1-1-DB3U-to-MiniCard-Vertical-Extender-with-SIM-Card-Slot-M-Factors-/321630468105
You actually break the end off for a half to full slot.Wicked. -
And steven is correct those USB-mPCI-e adapters will work as i mounted a MC7700 in a custom dongle I made for a usb only rig. You don't need antennas for flashing. Sierra picked it up fine in that device. I didn't flash any cards in it -but the connection manager works well and transparently. At $8 bucks ebay and more durable than $4 dollar sim adapter with 2 sided tape. I made a little box out of nylon and stuck the usb connector out the end. rp-sma for antenna jack. Cheezzy lid. Works.
Some more brain candy:
So The Sierra MC7700 module eeprom has 15 slots for "profiles"
Factory sealed Sierra Cards have no #1 profile, which once written cannot be removed. The other 14 slots can deleted and rearranged but #1 -once written- is permanent(even after rom upgrade). Is is written from the SIM card on first initialization of the Connection Manager and stores it on the Windows computer as well.. So for Instance you have an ATT SIM put in your new device with Sierra MC77xx module it will write the profile from the ATT SIM to slot #1 and it will always use this as default. So not quite carrier locked as you can use other slots but #1 always take precedence. I have also read that you can have both DIP and QMI profiles. So maybe the Seirra Windows Mode Switcher just sets the other profile active–That is just a guess-.
So here is the file for the Sierra MC7700 Mode Switcher Utility.
search for:
BZ31018_DIP_QMI_ModeSwitch.zipI am unsure if you can use this without flashing to DIP first.
That is all i have ever done -Flashed new to DIP then switched back to QMI trying out Ubuntu.
You may not need to to flash the ROM first to use Mode Switcher. Next new card i will try it.On windows I am using these DIP files
Firmware: SWI9200M_3.5-Release5-SWI9200X_03.05.20.03
Drivers Build 3795
Watcher 3830 -
Thanks for all your help so far guys! Highly appreciated !
I've ordered a USB2miniPCIe adaptor right away !
It will probably be some 10-20 days until it arrives (item is located in china, and delivery from that part of the world usually takes a while)
Once received and the DIP flashing given a shot, I'll get back right away and let you know what happened.
Have a nice sunday ! :)
Hi guys,
I got my USB-2-miniPCIe adaptor by post today.
The adaptor seems to work well, the Sierra MC7710 was recognized right away, and after finding the drivers for the MC7710 on a Fujitsu Siemens webpage, I was able to run the Mode Switcher program, and get a positive result on the switch to DIP.The adaptor offers room for the SIM aswell, and I had the SIM which I'm planning to use, inserted while switching to DIP. (hopefully this was a wise thing to do?)
So far, so good.
Back in the APU1D, the Sierra MC7710 was now recognized with 6 ports, just like you predicted.
And, within the PPP settings, I'm now able to choose between cuaU0.0 –> cuaU0.5.I've tried every single one of them, followed up with a reboot of the PF sense, but I doesn't seem to get any IP on the PPP assigned port (OPT2).
I'm really not sure how to proceed from here - - any suggestions guys ?
Do I need to flash the MC7710 with new firmware ? ( haven't been able to find any )- or do I need to inject some driver or likewise into the PF sense installation ?
Your help and input is highly appreciated !
Have a nice weekend