Forward broadcast betwene VLAN's
Hello, I have a setup with several VLAN's. Is it possible to forward the broadcast from one network to another? I looked every where for a solution to this, and nothing.
Thank you
Best Regards -
… to forward the broadcast ...
And which broadcast, there are numerous.A broadcast is valid only within its network and the last IP of each network is the broadcast address. You cannot forward it.
(There are exceptions but they probably don't apply in your scenario) -
The whole point of VLANs is to have separate broadcast domains on a switch. Just put them on the same VLAN.
What are you really trying to do?
As noted above, if you need to ask such questions, chances are high you are doing something really stupid.
you could possibly forward igmp multicasts using igmp-proxy (little bit buggy at times)
but those aren't exactly broadcasts ….
My idea was the PlayStation 4. I what that any guest in my house to use my playstation without restrictions, including the mobile app (that uses broadcast to make the connection. My PlayStation is on a separated interface (mostly to bypass all the proxys and IDS's).
If it need to use broadcasts it needs to be on the same subnet. If there's maybe, a DHCP option or something you can give to the guests, then maybe that would work. No idea what that might be and would be a question for the playstation community.
Ask them about playing playstation using the mobile app across routers/subnets. It's either possible/supported or it's not.