Pfblocker packets (hits) counter has gone up since 2.2 update (multiplier added)
As pfblockerng is away ahead, I'll test it and probably remove pfblocker from 2.2 package list.
Sadly, the merged stuff for pfBlockerNG does not include fixes for this.
As pfblockerng is away ahead, I'll test it and probably remove pfblocker from 2.2 package list.
Sadly, the merged stuff for pfBlockerNG does not include fixes for this.
what do you mean? It has the code within the package.. it would be ideal for it to already be in pfsense base tho
I mean it's been merged one month ago and needs a refresh to include fixes for the issue I linked (and others).
Pfblockerng is affected by ip range function change too?
Pfblockerng is affected by ip range function change too?
Yes. (Not current BBCan's repo, been fixed there for a couple of weeks… the pfSense repo stuff is outdated.)
I'll ping bbcan to see if I can help…
Yes the merged copy that is in the pfSense repo uses the existing range to cidr function. But there have been some recent commits that seemed to have affected this function from converting some of the IBlock lists. There are days when some lists would crash PHP and some days where it wouldn't… So i suspect that when a certain range is converted that it will crash PHP...
Stilez has a Pull Request for a new range to cidr function that also has IPv6 capability. I use this function to convert the Maxmind IPv6 Country Database into cidr format...
So when this issue arose, i reference this new function instead. But this is only available in my private repo.
To make use of this new function, i need to add:
require_once ("/usr/local/www/pfblockerng/pfblockerng.php");
and modify these two lines to reference the new Stilez function which already exists in the pfblockerng.php file.
1766: $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array**_temp**($matches[1],$matches[2]);
1984: $a_cidr = ip_range_to_subnet_array**_temp**($matches[1],$matches[2]);or wait for the devs to fix the range to cidr function, or merge Stilez function.
As pfblockerng is away ahead, I'll test it and probably remove pfblocker from 2.2 package list.
The issue with the widget for the pfBlocker code in 2.2, is the pfctl Label format has an extra CSV column:
This is the existing line ( works for 2.1.5 and below ) :
if (preg_match("/USER_RULE: (\w+).*\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+/",$line,$matches))
For 2.2, it needs to use the following line:
if (preg_match("/USER_RULE: (\w+).*\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+/", $line, $matches))
For 2.2, it needs to use the following line:
if (preg_match("/USER_RULE: (\w+).*\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+/", $line, $matches))
I edited /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/pfBlocker.widget.php and replaced the code with BBcan177s and my packet counts seem more reasonable.
Thanks BB!
Is that last bracket supposed to be there? If so, where does it close?
I modified my original post above. I have that in an if/else statement to use the correct line depending on 2.1.5 / 2.2 version of pfSense.
Merge to pfSense may take longer then package commit.
Util it gets merged, isn't better to send a fix to the package?
Here is the Pull Request to provide a temporary fix for the IBlock Range to CIDR issue:
Great. I'll send a pull request to get pfblocker working on 2.2 util ng is released.
BBcan177s solution works great.
Turns out editing the php file from pfsense was very easy.I started my post as just an observation. Never expected a fix in less than 24 hrs. Amazing 8)
Never expected a fix in less than 24 hrs. Amazing 8)
Community helping community :)
Actually less than 3 Hrs! 8)
Any idea if/when the PFBlocker package will be available or should I switch to the new beta?
Garth -
pfBlocker has been removed, and replaced by pfBlockerNG for 2.2. It's in the package system if you want to install it