How does this look.
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Is Ebay all out of Intel Pro 1000 NICs?
Yes, I know bidding has ended. However is it a good box. I found another one around same price.
Would you recommend the intel pro 1000 nic over the intel i350 gbe chipset?
I like this one and I'm pretty sure it will work.
I like the ones that have "Intel" on the box.
If you look up the two port one it is not the i350 chipset.
Yep - Intel NICs abound. Just Google to see who is using which Intel NIC without issues and grab one.
There are many that will work great and a very few to avoid. Ones with issues will be apparent instantly soon as you google them. -
I mean it should work because its the model they have listed on there website.
Also is that pc good for my requirements.
PC will be fine I would think. Its at least as good as my personal rig.
Ya i saw someone with similar setup is running at 20 percent. With only one model newer cpu. So I doubt that will make any difference.
May I ask what specif Network card you use. Saw a post from a while ago that said AOC-SG-I2 had some problems. Also it having a different chipset then what is online is worrying me.
I use Pro 1000 Nics. I have 5 ports on the one at home.
WAN is a broadcom. I would have pulled it but its always worked so freakin well so I left it.
Thanks for all your help,
Is this what you mean? Would it be better if I just bought any card with the i350.
Thanks for your help, new to pfsense.
Thanks Alec.