Firebox LCD Driver for LCDProc
Hello Steve !
Thanks to You, my LCD in X700 worked. :-)
A few more comments:
- Not work navi buttons on the X700.
- I can not turn the LCD backlight.
You can do something about it?
The buttons should work, the code for them is in the driver. Did they ever work with the Watchguard OS?
on version 2.1 was all OK.
After completing the upgrade to version 2.2 LCD stopped working. -
Hmm, well that's trickier then. I'll try to upgrade my X700 and see what happens when I get a chance. Hard to see what that might be though. Port permissions problem? Wrong port mode? Do you see anything parallel port related in the logs?
Ok, pulled out and dusted off my X700. I added the line to disable DMA in 2.2 to loader.conf.local and hit auto-upgrade. Went really without a hitch. I had to reboot to start LCDproc as the first boot it's reinstalling but then everything is up and running. The buttons work fine. I had forgotten how much better the LCD is in the X-Core box than any of the subsequent boxes. So much faster.
As I understand, I need to
1. install a 2.12. install lcdproc
3. Change the file boot / loader.conf.local /
By adding the following line:
hw.ata.atapi_dma = 04. update 2.2
5. rebootI tried it but unfortunately it to an worked.
Would love to know if I was wrong in the process
Thank you -
hw.ata.atapi_dma=0 has no effect under 2.2 -
I've tried both commands
2.1.5 - hw.ata.atapi_dma=0
2.2 - hint.ata.0.mode=PIO4Am I missing something ?
In 2.1.5 you don't need to disable DMA because it's disabled by default in the 32bit Nano images. Is that what you're running?
You have to either add the line:
to /boot/loader.conf.local before you upgrage to 2.2 or if you've already upgraded then interrupt the bootloader and add it there in order to boot.Did you successfully install and boot 2.1.5? What hardware are you using?
Yes 2.1.5 works great
But after the update the screen stops workingI have a x700
i try again now
tnx -
Ok. I know this works because I did it on my own X700 yesterday! :)
Install 2.1.5 then install lcdproc-dev. Then do this:,7920.msg344513.html#msg344513After you've done it make sure there's no file /usr/local/etc/rc.d.
Then upgrade to 2.2. After the update lcdproc won't be working because it is installed on the first boot so the startup sequence misses it. Reboot and you should be golden. 8)
Steve tnx
its work !!!! :)
pfSense 2.2 -
I can't find the LCDd.conf file after hitting "save" in /usr/local/etc.It appears to have moved to here, though:
/usr/pbi/lcdproc-i386/local/etc/LCDd.confEDIT: Module path in generated LCDd.conf is incorrect too, change /usr/local/lib/lcdproc/
to /usr/pbi/lcdproc-i386/local/lib/lcdproc/ -
JimP fixed up the paths in the lcdproc-dev package last week. If you install and run it normally it should at least start correctly. As far as know though the sdeclcd driver still has problems at boot and you may still see issues with IPv6 localhost.
Is there a way to keep the screen light ?
No not with the included driver. It was coded that way deliberately because the original displays had a limited backlight life. I think someone in this thread compiled a driver that does not turn off the backlight though. You can probably use that if you can find it.
seems the driver with the lcd time out disabled is gone
anyone got a copy, or maybe a driver with a 5 min timeout.
2.2 RC 64 bit here and using crystalfontz 735 display but seems server starts with jimp's fix but not the client.. shows client 0 on screen.. I can start it manually with /usr/bin/nice -20 /usr/local/bin/lcdproc C T U & but not with gui in pfsense. so i lose the LED's I fixed while back showing status (the 4 on side that show CPU gateway and stuff) But I must say the options that show other things using the command line are much nicer then the package usually has. Wish they make it show this kind of info..
Yeah, I've found that using the method to call via Shellcmd works for about 2 seconds… server starts, client connects, about the time the device is "creating RRD graphs" according to serial port. A few seconds later, boot completes, we get the startup jingle played, and the client dies.
Server stays running though.
You can then use the command manually to restart the client and it'll run forever. Not sure what causes it to die early in the startup...
EDIT: my eBay purchases came in, I got 1.4ghz SL6BY and 512MB now... just had to share ;D
The client is killed because there is still a startup script running when packages are restarted at that point that kills it. Check in /usr/local/ect/rc.d for an script that should be removed when you disable the options in the menu but sometimes isn't.