SLAAC radvd problem in 2.2-RELEASE
Absolutely no such issue here. 10 or so boxes with IPv6. You must be special. Sounds like a broken configuration to me. :P
I see the same issue on 2.2
tcmpdump shows RS arriving from the client but no reply and no RA. Logs shows the same permission denied.
radvd is runnign and the .conf looks sane.
All ICMP6 is allowed in the rules. -
I have 3 internal VLANs working with IPv6 and now I upgraded to 2.2 and added 4th VLAN.
I configured IPv6 on it (and yes, it is NOT configuration issue, and yes, it is NOT firewall ICPM or whatever issue) and it`s not working.
radvd.conf is exactly the same as for other VLANs, just different subnets.Will try to reboot the box.
OK you used /50 subnet.
I used /64 subnet and have exactly the same issue ( for others, see redmine ticked, OP updated it).EDIT:
Unrelated, sorry my mistake.
I had captive portal enabled and apparently ipv6 doest`t like captive portal…
I disabled it and here we go all is fine. -
Yes I see thi snow. Disabling captive portal lets IPv6 work. You can either have captive portal or IPv6 not both. :-\
1/ CP does not support IPv6 at all.
2/ You should NEVER use captive portal on your LAN. Set up dedicated interfaces for any CPs. -
Now you smarta** ing around :)
1. You could post sooner you know
2. Yes I have 4 vlans one of them is dedicated to CPAfter war it`s easy to be gneral :)
Perhaps IPv6 should be made no-op somehow visibly in the GUI once you enable CP on an interface.
My IPV6 also isn't broken.
I somehow keep managing to brute force and ignorance my way through things without issue on pfsense.
My IPV6 also isn't broken.
I somehow keep managing to brute force and ignorance my way through things without issue on pfsense.
Yeah that would be great.
Or maybe captive portal code rewrite to support ipv6 ? :) hehe
I know its a lot of work. It
s in the redmine and targeted version is future :S -
I think IPV6 is ready for the world and am baffled as to why it hasn't replace IPV4 already.
So, yeah - I agree.