Upgrade from 2.2 RC to 2.2 Final… Kernel trap error 12 on boot
A workaround on the firebox was to enable ACPI in the BIOS. You might be able to do that.
Try this at a loader prompt:
set hint.gpioapu.0.disabled=1
And then add it to /boot/loader.conf.local
A workaround on the firebox was to enable ACPI in the BIOS. You might be able to do that.
Thanks for the tip, but no ACPI configuration available in BIOS configuration.
Try this at a loader prompt:
set hint.gpioapu.0.disabled=1
And then add it to /boot/loader.conf.local
I gave it a try, but no effect.
Thank you.
Did it appear to actually disable the gpioapu driver? It no longer appears in the boot messages? Can you post a copy of that?
Did you at any time see a message relating to 'smbios.system.product' ?
Just to confirm this is your box: http://ibt.ca/v2/items/fwa7204/index.html
I missed the notifications on this thread.
I will try the 'set hint.gpioapu.0.disabled=1' tonight on my Axiomtek server and see if it allows it to work on my system.
If it doesn't work I will try to figure out how to get a snapshot full install (assuming that is an option) to test that has the latest fix that was mentioned in the redmine issue.
" Updated by Ermal Luçi 6 days ago
Status changed from New to Feedback
gpioapu corrected to avoid comparison with NULL in strncmp." -
If it doesn't try this:
This didn't help…
set hint.gpioapu.0.disabled=1The setting below did. I was able to boot the 2.2 i386 full install final CD.
set smbios.system.product="XPS"I assume if I put that in the 2.1.5 /boot/loader.conf.local file it will stay in the transition on the upgrade to the 2.2.
Thanks for the info.
Doesn't have to be XPS by the way just something other than APU or null.
Did it appear to actually disable the gpioapu driver? It no longer appears in the boot messages? Can you post a copy of that?
Did you at any time see a message relating to 'smbios.system.product' ?
Just to confirm this is your box: http://ibt.ca/v2/items/fwa7204/index.html
Hi, sorry for the delay, but i had other priorities.
There are no references to "smbios.system.product" in my boot log.
yes http://ibt.ca/v2/items/fwa7204/index.html is my box.
Now for the good news, I tried
set smbios.system.product="XPS"
And it looked like it does the trick. I was able to do a complete boot on the upgraded version installed on my box.
This is a good workaround for that problem. According to this post:
a real solution should be available in version 2.2.1.
Thanks you again for the replies and for the good work.
Great, thanks for confirming that. :)
Should be fixed in 2.2.1 as you say.Steve
The only behavior that should be changed by that action is whether or not the reset button utility is run.
Try running /usr/local/sbin/APUresetbtn to see if that triggers the panic.
If you're brave. :-)
There are 2.2.1 snapshots available now, if someone with an affected system can test and report back here in this thread or on its bug ticket:
https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/4363I'd like to confirm that's definitely good. It should be fixed, but we don't have any affected systems internally to fully verify.
2.2.1 27th Feb snap boots fine on my box in a configuration that previously threw this error.