AutoScale (graph) not working?
Hi there :)
I'm using "2.1-BETA1 (amd64)" (built on Thu Feb 14 04:54:03 EST 2013 ).
In my dashboard i see the traffic grahps and i saw the setting-switch for autoscale(up) and autoscale(follow).
I googled it and it seems that autoscale(up) stands for a fixed limit of the interface-graph. So 100% on the graph are the same value everytime.
autoscale(follow) stands for a variable limit like 100% = last highest peak.
So i wonderes about 2 things:
1. The graphs don't change, whatever of these 2 options i activate.
2. If i switch to autopscale(up), i think i need to tell pfsense, what the limit of this interface is (otherwise it wouldn't know, what 100% of the traffic is).So my question is, where can i input this max-value?
I hope you can help me with this :)
spYro -
autoscale(up) will increase the scale as needed, but never come down again when network load drops.
autoscale(follow) will drop the scale back when the load drops.
There is another recent discussion at,57778.0.html -
This helps very much, thanks :)
So my information was just wrong (got it from an unofficial forum about pfsense-talk) and the grahps are working fine, as they are programmed to.
I will join the discussion from the link, you gave me.Tanks ;D