Backup pfsense was not synchronized by Master one
Dear Guys and Professional IT engineer,
I got this error when I configured CARP (2 pfsense firewall)
Please help me to fix it.
My deadline is too close!
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Do you have added rules to allow syncing on both boxes?
I have done adding rules
On Master
On Backup
Your tabs should look the same on both boxes. Go to your interfaces on each box- WAN, LAN, WAN2, SYS, WIRELESS.
Look at the url. The if=optn must match on both boxes. In other words, if sys is opt2 on the master, it must be opt2 on the backup. -
I fixed as you want, It's still not working.
But in my opinion, I think these tab is depend on the physical network card. And I match it right!
Guys, do you have other ideas to help me? -
I am still get error
After I fixed with the Dotdash advice
Are your interface configurations of SYS correct?
You use a public IP there. Are both IFs in the same subnet?