Inspect queues in realtime
Is it possible to see what is passing by any queue (of traffic shaping)?
I have 7 queues, and about 20 rules to route my home traffic through them. It is quite difficult to be sure I did a good job ;-)
Is there a nice way to see "live" what goes through any queue? I already know the stat page, but that does gives me only a glance. I would like to see: traffic TCP from IP blablabla to IP blablabla is on Queue blablabla…
Thanks for your support (and your great product, by the way)
You can try out CACTI perhaps.
Do isolation testing. Restrict all access to just one protocol and then see if that traffic is routed to the proper queue.
You can use tcpdump on pflog and see what rule matches each packet, assuming logging is enabled.
something like "tcpdump -lnettti pflog0".
I usually use pftop via terminal/SSH.
Check out OpenBSD's pf documentation. The lesser known features can usually be found there.