Possible to Block Facebook with DNS ?
I would like to know if it is possible with the pfsense DNS configuration pages to block facebook for one of my customers?
I have attempted to do this with setting up an account with opendns, assigning pfsense DNS to poit to opendns DNS, cleared the "tick box" on "Allow DNS server list to be overridden by DHCP/PPP on WAN" and ticked the box on "Do not use the DNS Forwarder as a DNS server for the firewall" and I still cannot block facebook.
I only need to block this one site for my customer and for right now I feel that installing squid3 and squidguard may be a little over kill for this.
Any input is greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your help
Kell -
You can use pfBlockerNG to collect IPs from a service like Hurricane Electric. You will need to use the "html" format to correctly parse this site. Set the download frequency to once per week.
Thank you for the help!.. Always appreciated very much!
Got it working now and all is good.
Thanks again and have a nice weekend!