Ethiopia and pfsense
I have been working in Ethiopia for three years and know at least 2 other universities here who use pfsense. It would be nice to have an Ethiopian folder in the international section that we could all post in.
Secondly I would like to organize a pfsense conference in Debre Markos university (for other Ethiopian universities) to spread the good word and stop other institutions paying for cisco asa devices with money that could so easily be spent on other things.
I am not looking for money or donations but would really appreciate any advice on hosting this kind of event.
Well surely arranging a conference would be easy. Say using or something like that. Then campayning with Flyers and Posters around the local areas? Even going into the universities and being able to email address lists.
For time and cost reasons it'd be prohibitive for me to get there in person, but I would be willing to present one of the sessions of the conference remotely via Gotomeeting or Skype or something along those lines if you can put something together.
Not sure on tips for putting such an event together, as I just attend a bunch of conferences, I've never actually put one on myself. Getting the word out to other universities I would think would be relatively easy if you have some contacts at each university. Have one or more people at each pass the word around.
If you think you could grow the project's presence in Ethiopia with a dedicated board, I would be willing to create one. In the last month, only 87 visits out of hundreds of thousands of total visits to were from Ethiopia (per Google Analytics).