Layout suggestion
Ok, I see you edited a previous posting.
Just a suggestion, but it might be useful the post changes in a new message so we can see the "progression" of the layout changes proposed.
Just my $.02.
Ok, I see you edited a previous posting.
Just a suggestion, but it might be useful the post changes in a new message so we can see the "progression" of the layout changes proposed.
Just my $.02.
Ok thank u, I have make 2 new mockup. Maybe can help pfSense team to change something or maybe not in the future.
![FIREWALL LAYOUT 000.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/FIREWALL LAYOUT 000.png)
![FIREWALL LAYOUT 000.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/FIREWALL LAYOUT 000.png_thumb) -
Last edit mockup layout.
![FIREWALL LAYOUT 007.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/FIREWALL LAYOUT 007.png)
![FIREWALL LAYOUT 007.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/FIREWALL LAYOUT 007.png_thumb) -
Additionally, if the bootstrap icons aren't fitting your needs, you can research FontAwesome as an alternative.
For the record, I would prefer a pencil for edit, trash can for delete, two files for copy (they are usually files not folders, if I may be a bit pendatic), and a checkbox for disable/enable.
The X works ok for removal actions but I think the trash can is more obvious when you first use a system.
I have no specific attachment to FontAwesome, we just use it at my work and were a bit late to the game in that regard. I mention it here in case other folks weren't aware of it.
firewall_rules.php (only) was edited to use font-awesome icons today. See what you think. I prefer this appearance, although I might make the icons slightly larger.
just gitsync'd master and icons don't show up. it's just empty.
it's there in the html-source tho
[](firewall_rules_edit.php?id=4 "Edit"") [](firewall_rules_edit.php?dup=4 "Copy") [](?act=toggle&if=lan&id=4 "Disable") [](?act=del&if=lan&id=4 "Delete")
would i need to do an actual update to a newer snapshot before the css is added?
I guess you should just wipe your browser cache.
I just updated and I have the same issue. The html code is there but the icons don't show.
I checked a few things and found that the font-awesome css appears to be missing. It fails to load in the browser and when I attempted to find it manually, I couldn't.
Additionally, when that is fixed, just be aware that it is referenced with a relative path, and not specific like the pfsense.css file:
This commit is called "Changed name of font-awesome folder" but all I can see in the commit is the deletion of all the fonts and associated folder. So I suspect that something when wrong with the intended commit to master. I don't see where the stuff is in master of pfsense repo.
I just thinking to change the layout a little bit. The icon is just only idea to lookout.
![FIREWALL LAYOUT 0011.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/FIREWALL LAYOUT 0011.png)
![FIREWALL LAYOUT 0011.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/FIREWALL LAYOUT 0011.png_thumb) -
Status Dashboard, It is look more nice to using "available widgets" if you can change from + to icons.
When you use + it is mean that you want to add them to status dashboard, this i understand,
but when the users go to "available widgets" the users they also know or understand what they want to add, right.PS. I just use an icons only for example
![DASHBOARD LAYOUT.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/DASHBOARD LAYOUT.png)
![DASHBOARD LAYOUT.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/DASHBOARD LAYOUT.png_thumb) -
This commit is called "Changed name of font-awesome folder" but all I can see in the commit is the deletion of all the fonts and associated folder. So I suspect that something when wrong with the intended commit to master. I don't see where the stuff is in master of pfsense repo.
Hmm, it was working if you gitsynced before that commit… Looks like someone committed some outdated checkout (not sure how's that even possible with git) or similar WTF. Sigh. ::)
My apologies. After renaming the directory I failed to perform another "git add". I have to keep reminding myself that "It takes about a year to really learn git", or so say the interwabs ;)
I just did the add/commit/push so it should be there shortly.
Just deleted the directory from my box and synced. It reappeared as expected.
My apologies. After renaming the directory I failed to perform another "git add". I have to keep reminding myself that "It takes about a year to really learn git", or so say the interwabs ;)
git works on files, creating directories as needed.
Arguably a better solution would have been to mkdir the desired folder, git mv all the files, rmdir the old folder, git commit and git push.
convert for system_gateways.php system_gateway_groups
i just noticed, i forgot to adjust the delete-confirmation-text after copy/pasting … stupid, sorryfor system_routes -
Nice. Thanks.
Merging now.
convert for system_gateways.php system_gateway_groups
i just noticed, i forgot to adjust the delete-confirmation-text after copy/pasting … stupid, sorryfor system_routes done, thanks.
Also, for the person responsible, great choice on the "disable" icon being the "fa-ban" (crossed-out circle). No idea why I didn't suggest that in my earlier post, since I suggested it for something similar on another page. Thanks though!
Just a confirmation that performing an update worked this time and now I see all the icons.
Status Dashboard, It is look more nice to using "available widgets" if you can change from + to icons.
When you use + it is mean that you want to add them to status dashboard, this i understand,
but when the users go to "available widgets" the users they also know or understand what they want to add, right.PS. I just use an icons only for example
Now the layout look more nice after changed to icon (Firewall). thank you to the people who working hard and pfSense team and all the people who give the layout suggestion.
Could someone and pfSense team are suggestion to the picture here under? Is it possible to change them?Donny
![BUTTON IS BIG.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/BUTTON IS BIG.png)
![BUTTON IS BIG.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/BUTTON IS BIG.png_thumb)
![DASHBOARD LAYOUT.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/DASHBOARD LAYOUT.png)
![DASHBOARD LAYOUT.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/DASHBOARD LAYOUT.png_thumb) -
Thanks Donny,
That button is big because it is a Bootstrap "Pill".
It would be fun to add those icons to the available widget list, but unfortunately, the way the code is structured at the moment (reading packages from a foreach loop) it would be tricky. I will keep it in mind next time I visit that code though :)