DHCP server handing out DNS of Slave CARP gateway to clients
We have an issue where our DHCP server is handing out DNS pointing to slave CARP IP of the slave gateway. MASTER status on everything on the primary gateway. Everything else seems to be running OK related to CARP. Might not be a CARP issue either.
- pfSense 2.2.2 on both gateways
- Creating DHCP reservations and setting the DNS record to the proper record works fine as well.
- If I manually input DNS servers into the DHCP server page, it will certainly hand out the proper DNS server to the client from that list. The problem is that it no longer auto redirects users to the captive portal page.
Mods; please move this if in wrong section. I won't double post across both sections.
Manually input DNS as you did, and upgrade to 2.2.6. There were CARP issues with captive portal in 2.2.2 fixed in newer versions.
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