Routing between VLANs
Hello there,
I have a pfsense box with 2 NICs, one is WAN and another one is LAN with 15 vlans.
I have struggled too much to ping 2 devices in different vlans. this made me anger to do all possibilities and I added these rules in one of the vlansIPv4 * AGRICULTURE net * ART net * * none
IPv4 * ART net * AGRICULTURE net * * none
IPv4 * AGRICULTURE address * ART address * * none
IPv4 * ART address * AGRICULTURE address * * none
IPv4 * ART net * * * * none To share internetIPv6 * * * * * * none To share internet
and the vise versa of this on other vlan but I can't ping :(
I think some where routing between vlans are off in pfsense.
it is mentionable that the switch that I used to test routing is a bit old ( i don't think that would be the problem coz those vlans have internet access through that switch)any help please
any help
…coz those vlans have internet access through that switch...
Sure thing. What??? :o
Is your old switch managed (brand & make maybe)? L2 or L3?
Problem solved! and thanks for the reply. the problem was not with the switch
Solution on enabling routing between vlans:
- add gateways for each vlan in System->Routing menu
- then in each vlan interface enable "up streem gateway" to that vlan's ip address
- then add the default rules on vlans to enable internet access ( this will also make access to vlans ). these two rules for each vlan:
IPv4* ART(myVLAN) net * * * * none To share internet
IPv6* * * * * * none To share internet
none of those other rules is required.
Problem solved! and thanks for the reply. the problem was not with the switch
Solution on enabling routing between vlans:
- add gateways for each vlan in System->Routing menu
- then in each vlan interface enable "up streem gateway" to that vlan's ip address
- then add the default rules on vlans to enable internet access ( this will also make access to vlans ). these two rules for each vlan:
IPv4* ART(myVLAN) net * * * * none To share internet
IPv6* * * * * * none To share internet
none of those other rules is required.
uhm what now ? because that advice seems awful if it is what i think it is.
you should never use gateways for directly attached networks. you shouldn't need to manually add routes for directly attached networks.if for whatever reason, this works for you: its gonna bite you in the ass at one point or another. please find a sane solution to your network problem.
i'm sure if you provide enough details, that the folks on this forum will be able to help