Netflix vpn block -> how to "fix"?
The wierd thing, when it stops working, i just need to go in aliases, add some crap and save, then remove it, then apply. and the netflix avoid vpn again.. for a short while. Seems like its something wrong with pfSense alias/firewall stuff in this aspect..
I added to the exclution list, and i clearly get my own ip showing every time i reload that page, it never fails. meh stupid netflix and buggy detection.
EDIT: After sitting with netflix "support" chat, and tried different stuff. It seems there is buggy on the pfSense side.
I am gonna try lookup all the ips associated with the netflix urls and add them too in the alias to see if it makes any change.EDITx2: After adding around 25 IP's associated with netflix, i got it working again. Now lets see if its a 100% working list or not.
EDITx3: Nope, one episode and it stopped working. definaly some bug in aliases on pfSense.
Anyone with ANY ideas.. what can i do.. to prove my current problem is probably is a pfSense/Aliases bug?
The 'problem' becomes world wide : Google it up : as soon as you enter the relation Netflix + VPN => you will have a no go…
I'm using pfSEnse (and not any VPN neither local, nor remte) - and can access netflix just fine.
So, if this is a bug, it is probably even not related to pfsense using VPN : Netflix just doesn't like 'VPN' anymore ....
Your issue is probably : how to bypass (your) VPN if you are using Netflix ..... probably possible if you have whitelisted ALL netflix IP's (IPv4 - IPv6) and I guess they have far more then "25" IP's .....
Using chrome, i have checked what ever url that loads on netflux, and looked up all associated Ip's to them, and added the ip's in addition to the domain names. first time i add new ones, it works, but then the shit block works again.. how the f** can i exclude netflix from vpn? GAWD, i wish i could sue them.
I think you would be better off by setting up an Alias with all the hosts you want to watch Netflix on and sending all their traffic through the WAN with everything else going through VPN.
After digging around for a week and trying a number of different solutions that is what I did. Lucky for me I only watch netflix on my two Rokus, so the configuration was pretty painless.
IMO i would not feel comfortable about having a host sending traffic out through both WAN and VPN because of leaks (IP Address, DNS, ect). For me it is all or nothing.
If you still want all your hosts traffic going through the VPN there are some good discussions about the Netflix VPN block this on the AirVPN forum. I believe they are using a SmartDNS to get this working. Best read up on what a SmartDNS is before you start using.
I have "unblocked" this list from netflix. and for swedish usage. It SEEMS to work full time right now. -
What you're attempting is a mis-use of hostnames in aliases. Those hostnames resolve to something different very often, so clients will frequently get a different IP than what the firewall got when it updated its aliases. Hostnames like that cannot be reliably used in aliases. They'll be kept up to date properly for what it receives at the time it resolves them, and upon each update when the TTL expires, but no way to ensure that's the IP the clients get in between.
Hi, i am using a swedish vpn service, watching on the swedish netflix. And i live in sweden.
But now i cannot watch swedish netflix.Netflix is offering different services in different countries world wide and based on this they don´t want
that their customers are bypassing this by using VPNs. If now your VPN ISP or service is using a Proxy
server outside of the territory of Sweden you will be not able to watch netflix since the 14, March 2016!Since this date they are really sniffing for proxies and VPN connections and block them all and everywhere.
Seems like Netflix just hit my area with the proxy as it was working normally just a couple days ago. Oddly enough mine only stops my mobile phones, computers work fine.
I tried your suggested fix on my side to push all Netflix traffic to my normal gateway but no joy. Still detects a proxy somehow.
Mobile ISPs offers their private clients and customers a service that is behind their own private network
between the Internet and yours, their customers. So you will be often not able to build VPNs based on this
networks between you and the Internet, for sure the service they are offering you is faster and more secure
for you and especially them self then. But if there is any kind of proxy in this game Netflix will also detect them
now as a proxy and block the service!Anyone with ANY ideas.. what can i do.. to prove my current problem is probably is a pfSense/Aliases bug?
Netflix statement from the 14, March 2016
Evolving Proxy Detection as a Global ServiceThis statement will perhaps be clearing up much more then I would be able to do based on my lower english
language skills, but it is very clear and simple, with VPN or Porxy Server no Netflix. -
Still detects a proxy somehow.
In squid's config, make sure you check Disable Via Header and set X-Forwarded Header Mode to Delete.
After adding this list, i have the past 2 days, never been vpn-blocked by netflix, and it seems to work so far
(I am using swedish netflix, using other countries vpn i dont care of)
e8542.dscg.akamaiedge.netAfter adding this to firewall Aliases and excluded that alias from vpn usage, i have loaded many movies on netflix withouth the vpn block message.
NETFLIX issue solved using PFSENSE
Disclaimer this is to bypass only Netflix traffic from the VPN all other traffic goes through the VPN
to prevent dns leak use PiA DNS all other dns I tried showed a multitude of other dns's that belong to them.
1. create an alias in pfsense called netflix or anything you want. Import all the netflix ip you can find or pm me and I'll post a list of the ones I have.
2. Go to firewall >>>rules>>>LAN and edit the default Lan to any rule and change the gateway to your vpn
3. Still under LAN create a new rule ACTION>>Pass INTERFACE>> LAN ADDRESS FAMILY>>IPV4 PROTOCOL>>TCP SOURCE>> LanNet DESINATION>>Netflix (this is the alias and all netflix ip's you have) DESTINATION PORT RANGE>> ANY DESTINATION OS>> ANY scroll down to gateway and select WAN save it.
4. Move this rule above the default LAN to any rule
5. Go to SYSTEM>>ROUTING>>STATIC ROUTES click on add and add this new route to your system
NETWORK>>Netflix or (whatever you named the alias) GATEWAY>> WAN_DHCP- INTERFACE>>>WAN DESCRIPTION>>>netflix bypass or whatever description you like.
6. After all your devices contact netflix and is working place the Lan rule you created below the the default lan to any rule so that it does not leak your isp public ip assigned to you.
Could this issue with the VPN be blocking my access to the Netflix DVD website? I have an alias setup with a pretty comprehensive list of Netflix ip's that have worked for months to route the streaming traffic around my VPN but I get 502 Bad Gateway error every time I go to the DVD website. I've added that ip to the white list as well but it hasn't changed anything.
NETFLIX issue solved using PFSENSE
Disclaimer this is to bypass only Netflix traffic from the VPN all other traffic goes through the VPN
to prevent dns leak use PiA DNS all other dns I tried showed a multitude of other dns's that belong to them.
1. create an alias in pfsense called netflix or anything you want. Import all the netflix ip you can find or pm me and I'll post a list of the ones I have.
2. Go to firewall >>>rules>>>LAN and edit the default Lan to any rule and change the gateway to your vpn
3. Still under LAN create a new rule ACTION>>Pass INTERFACE>> LAN ADDRESS FAMILY>>IPV4 PROTOCOL>>TCP SOURCE>> LanNet DESINATION>>Netflix (this is the alias and all netflix ip's you have) DESTINATION PORT RANGE>> ANY DESTINATION OS>> ANY scroll down to gateway and select WAN save it.
4. Move this rule above the default LAN to any rule
5. Go to SYSTEM>>ROUTING>>STATIC ROUTES click on add and add this new route to your system
NETWORK>>Netflix or (whatever you named the alias) GATEWAY>> WAN_DHCP- INTERFACE>>>WAN DESCRIPTION>>>netflix bypass or whatever description you like.
6. After all your devices contact netflix and is working place the Lan rule you created below the the default lan to any rule so that it does not leak your isp public ip assigned to you.
Any update on this matter? I did some nslookups on all the addresses found in the chrome console on and added those IP's to the aliasses, about 10 to 15 and did every step but i cant get it to work.
Also I dont quite know if it uses the Interface for the vpn because my vpn client already ran before I added and enabled the VPN interface…
So if anyone could share some more info on the how to, a bit more detailed or with some screenshots, would be very much appreciated.
Amids what is written below, there is two solutions since I have run into road blocks myself with Netflix finding my proxy
1. is to find a vpn service that uses smartdns or other combaton
2. is route your devices via ip address that you want to access Netflix outside your VPN, I know it defeats the purpose but until netflix cave in or we find a better solution that is what I have so far.
3. There is hope though but time consuming watch netflix without the vpn for a week, different titles and checking the ips for all kind of different titles, then load them into alias then create a LAN rule any any destination alias and gateway your isp or wan, so what you're telling your firewall is any destination to Netflix only, then and only then you use my wan interface.
go to routing and do the same bring up alias as the network and set it to go through your wan in the firewall rule set this rule above your vpn rule else it will not work
This is wayyyy too much hassle just to pay for the privilege of watching TV. If Netflix doesn't have the content you want and they're cracking down on VPNs, then the obvious solution is to cancel your subscription and go back to torrents. I don't blame Netflix for this. The greedy content licensing people are holding on to their old model of business for as long as they can, with their carved-up territories and artificial boundaries.
@nattygreg I tried 9 VPNs to access American Netflix. Only 2 of them was working, mentioned below are the names:
- PureVPN - It was working perfect
- ExpressVPN - Some IPs got blocked
Don't neco threads from 3 years ago. Any VPN you use is going to be a whack-a-mole game.. Thread Locked.