Remote syslog flooded with ICMPv6 blocks
Hey all,
I hope this is appropriate here. I wasn't able to find any other threads on this topic, so I figured I'd post up the issue and the solution I found.
My syslog server was getting tons of ICMPv6 messages despite having IPv6 turned off as much as possible, and putting in a floating rule not to log ANY ipv6 traffic.
Here's an example line (slightly formatted for Logstash):{"message":"5,16777216,,1000000003,em1,match,block,in,6,0x00,0x00000,255,ICMPv6,58,32,fe80::201:5cff:fe65:a046,ff02::1,","@version":"1","@timestamp":"2016-03-16T16:40:47.000Z","tags":["firewall","firewall"],"host":"","evtid":"134","prog":"filterlog"}
Other than turning off logs for blocks altogether, or creating a filter in Logstash, I couldn't get them to stop showing up.
I ended up poking through the docs and config files and came up with the following solution.
I went to /etc/inc/ and modified the "Block all IPv6" rules as shown below:
#$ipfrules .= "block in {$log['block']} quick inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Block all IPv6"\n";
#$ipfrules .= "block out {$log['block']} quick inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Block all IPv6"\n";
$ipfrules .= "block in quick inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Block all IPv6"\n";
$ipfrules .= "block out quick inet6 all tracker {$increment_tracker($tracker)} label "Block all IPv6"\n";I then ran /etc/rc.filter_configure to reload the FW. Thankfully they've stopped showing up.
I'm not sure if this is a bug in pfSense or I just missed something, but I figured I might as well document the fix for others who might have this issue.
Don't manually modify anything. Either disable logging of default block rules, which will disable that logging, or uncheck "Allow IPv6" so your floating rule can match and block without logging.