Default gateway selection in Mulit-WAN
I use pfSense 2.3-RELEASE (amd64)
System>Routing>Gateways>Edit>Default Gateway "This will select the above gateway as the default gateway." allows to check/uncheck.
Does this influence gateways in gateways groups for Multi-WAN? Is it necessary to uncheck for Multi-WAN?
AW -
Leave it as it is. The system must have one default gateway for general connectivity. The other WAN connections are used via policy routing and other methods that allow redirecting certain traffic to a specific gateway.
I still have problem with this issue.
I have two interfaces for multiWAN with two gateways:
Interface wan Gateway for VDSL
Interface opt1 Gateway for LTEI can not uncheck "Default Gateway This will select the above gateway as the default gateway" on System>Routing>Gateways.
I can only change default from one gateway to the other gateway. There is always a gateway selected as default.
I think this influences traffic flow. Default gateway has significantly more traffic than non-default.
I would like to have 50/50. Each gateways takes half load.
In "System>Routing>Gateway Groups" is group "LoadBalancing". Both gateways in this group have same tier 1.
Weight for both gateways is "1".I think since some updates ago there is now always a default gway. This wasn't before.
Must there be a "default gateway" in multiWAN? Why? How to change this?