Please move if this is wrong section - testing hardware compatibility
I have seen a
Core i5, 3.30ghz Processor (Note: Quad Core i5) Sandybridge
8 gb Ram
1TB Harddrive
2 x USB3, 4 x USB2
Ethernet, DVI
Separate Network Card
Comes with Keyboard and Mouse
Windows 7 - I will erase the hard drive as I do not need this.according to the seller, motherboard Ethernet & separate network card are from Intel (good sign). I want to buy this for myself, as I cannot afford a entire new build. If I burn onto a cd-rw pfsense 2.3 then boot from this, can I see if both Ethernet cards are recognised? how do I test this? So then if they are recognised, how do I know pfsense will work from them? Both according to seller are gigabit.
With Intel NIC's the likelihood is high that they will be compatible but unless you can find out exactly what specific model the NIC's are no one can give you a definite answer.
Thanks a lot. As far as I know, pfsense can be run from a CD, so from a running CD , can I determine the compatibility?
Older versions yes. The live CD feature was removed in the current 2.3 version.
Does that include Intel 82579LM? (pfsense 2.30)
The igb driver will work for this chip, actually this chip is supported by FreeBSD for long, I saw people using it with FreeBSD 8 and no issue, so I don't really see any problem on 10.x
Brilliant - thanks a lot ;D