Ping to WAN or LAN fails (pfsense 2.3)
Sorry, but I don't know. As I said I'm new with this and the FW was already configured before I worked with this.
so can pfsense ping its gateways to get to these other networks when they go down?? seems to be the gateway to get to these network.. What is that device? LANGTW - LAN DTP Subnet LANGTW - LAN R&D Subnet LANGTW - LAN Production SubnetAnd seems you also have carp setup?
carp: VHID 3@em2: BACKUP -> MASTER (preempting a slower master)
carp: VHID 2@em0: BACKUP -> MASTER (master down)
carp: VHID 1@em1: BACKUP -> MASTER (master down)Your really going to have to draw up this network if your wanting help.. Looks like you also have loss on your network
Apr 29 10:43:16 dpinger LANGTW Clear latency 564us stddev 270us loss 5%
So your rebooting pfsense when it can not get somewhere, or your rebooting some other server when it can not talk to pfsense?
The is the main Switch. So every switch is connected to that one and the main switch is connected to both the firewalls.
We have 2 Firewalls if the first reboots or turns off the second firewall will be the MASTER.
Yes, I'm rebooting the first firewall when it cannot ping or one of the subnets.
Are you using IPsec?
You sure about that? This seems to indicate that your master is down
carp: VHID 1@em1: BACKUP -> MASTER (master down)
Is that off the pfsense that you didn't reboot?
First thing I would suggest vs rebooting.. Is actually look to why it can not talk to whatever.. What are the errors in the log when it can not talk.. In carp setup it should failover if there is an issue with it, etc.. So sounds like you have a problem with carp not working as well.
Yes, I'm using upsec. See attachment
![Ipsec rules.png](/public/imported_attachments/1/Ipsec rules.png)
![Ipsec rules.png_thumb](/public/imported_attachments/1/Ipsec rules.png_thumb) -
It is off the pfsense that I rebooted.
And I think your right about the CARP. The second firewall only takes over if the first firewall turns off or reboots.
Guessing you're hitting the issue described here. we're working on tracking down. The workaround there should suffice in the mean time for the few who are routinely hitting that.
I see that 2.3.1 is released. Will this update solve the problem that we have to run on 1 cpu core to ensure internet connection?
I see that 2.3.1 is released. Will this update solve the problem
Yes, 2.3.1 and newer fix that issue.