Dynamic DNS WebGUI Very Slow
DynDNS not updating either using version 2.3.1 and has not been despite upgrades.
The GUI is showing an IP of for Cached value. Altered the system to verbose logging but have yet to locate the log file.
Additionally, playing with settings and lost access to GUI. Had to SSH into device and restart php-fpm.OK so found logs after these steps.
Added new DynDNS entry under services and input configuration. save it and the cached IP updated on new one. Disabled old version and left new one in place.
Next visited = Status=>System Logs=>System=>General and have this entry.Dynamic Dns: cacheIP != wan_ip. Updating. Cached IP: WAN IP: (the new IP matching WAN IP) Initial update.
Will drop the current IP value tonight to test service following a new IP address being issued.
Out of curiosity, are either of your pfsense boxes behind a NAT router?
Mine is not. Direct Ethernet hand off from Verizon FioS from NID with no TV Service.
The physical device seems to have issues pulling an IP from Verizon via DHCP with them having to break the lease and renew upstream anytime they change it. Some type of caching and ploy they use to try to force you into their managed router…
I seem to be having the same issue. If I force an update the IP will update, but it's not automatically updating when the IP address changes. The router is connected directly to the Verizon/Frontier ONT.
I am not sure how long this has been an issue. My IP was consistent for a long time but seems to change every few days now that the Frontier changeover is complete.
Not really an answer but….
Try to remove the DynDNS configuration. Ensure you're on the latest version. Add the configuration back to the system and see if it will update.
On another note, Verizon appears to have dropped my IP about 5 times in 10 days with the device showing a WAN value of (once dropped). Call to have them break lease and pulls another IP with reboot.
After several tech support calls and more inquiry about upper level support, requesting values for their networking, etc. it has not dropped. Could be total coincidence but I do not think Verizon is the most forthcoming in information/modifications that they're doing. Plus, another reason to sell you static/business service at ridiculous price.
I believe that PFSense will be moving to Python for configuration as well. I suspect that will help reduce bugs, etc. No offense to PHP.
similar issue here…
webgui very slooooow.... and ip doesn't update... (PPPOE WAN)Jun 2 16:29:07 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: updatedns() starting Jun 2 16:29:07 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS he-net (xyz1bc.abcdefg.net): 79.24.xxx.xxx extracted from local system. Jun 2 16:29:07 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (xyz1bc.abcdefg.net): running get_failover_interface for wan. found pppoe0 Jun 2 16:29:07 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS he-net (xyz1bc.abcdefg.net): 79.24.xxx.xxx extracted from local system. Jun 2 16:29:07 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic Dns (xyz1bc.abcdefg.net): Current WAN IP: 79.24.xxx.xxx No Cached IP found. Jun 2 16:29:07 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: DynDns (xyz1bc.abcdefg.net): Dynamic Dns: cacheIP != wan_ip. Updating. Cached IP: WAN IP: 79.24.xxx.xxx Initial update. Jun 2 16:29:07 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS he-net (xyz1bc.abcdefg.net): _update() starting. Jun 2 16:30:22 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS he-net (xyz1bc.abcdefg.net): _checkStatus() starting. Jun 2 16:30:22 php-fpm 94979 /services_dyndns_edit.php: Curl error occurred: Failed to connect to dyn.dns.he.net port 443: Operation timed out
edit: update to 2.3.2.a.20160602.0709 seems resolve…. :)
Having almost same problem with a new installation of 2.3.1 today.
I added my ddns settings and its updating only my first WAN ddns, the other 3 WANs domains are not updating, but sometimes it shows the WAN1 ip address as the cached IP address for all the four WANs, sometimes it just shows N/A.Really slow Web GUI when using Dynamic DNS page.
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: updatedns() starting
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS custom (): IP address could not be extracted from checkip.dyndns.org
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (): running get_failover_interface for wan. found re1_vlan11
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS () There was an error trying to determine the public IP for interface - wan (re1_vlan11 ).
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS: updatedns() starting
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS custom (): 201.xxx.xxx.xx1 extracted from checkip.dyndns.org
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS (): running get_failover_interface for opt1. found re1_vlan12
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS custom (): _update() starting.
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Sending request to: https://domains.google.com/nic/update?hostname=wan2.mydomain.com
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS custom (): _checkStatus() starting.
/services_dyndns_edit.php: Dynamic DNS custom (): 201.xxx.xxx.xx1 extracted from checkip.dyndns.org
/services_dyndns_edit.php: phpDynDNS: updating cache file /conf/dyndns_opt1custom''1.cache: 201.xxx.xxx.xx1 /services_dyndns_edit.php: phpDynDNS (): (Success) IP Address Updated Successfully! -
Dynamic DNS clients slow page load
https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/6493 -
… my pfsense box is behind a FiOS router, for a variety of reasons. I know that's not the preferred configuration, but I don't have a good alternative until I can run ethernet to my ONT and get the jack the jack enabled.
It seems to be related to occasional problems with checkip.dyndns.org.
If you can configure the FiOS router as a bridge then pfSense should be able to obtain the public IP address instead. Then the checkip.dyndns.org service shouldn't be used.
dslreports should be a good source of assistance with configuring FiOS routers as bridge.
Mine is not. Direct Ethernet hand off from Verizon FioS from NID with no TV Service.
The physical device seems to have issues pulling an IP from Verizon via DHCP with them having to break the lease and renew upstream anytime they change it. Some type of caching and ploy they use to try to force you into their managed router…
It may be possible for you to use the DHCP client advance configuration options to impersonate their managed router's DHCP client. I used to do this all the time with their Actiontec MI424-WR.
DHCP Client Configuration Advanced Settings Options with pfSense Rel. 2.2
https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=94298.msg523647#msg523647 -
I have the same issue after I upgrade to 2.5.2-RELEASE (amd64)
any solution? -
Test for yourself : Copy past this
in your browser.
You'll see a nealy blank page, with this text :
Current IP Address: 82.127.xx.254
where the IP is your WAN IP. This page is not complex to generate, so the answer should show up fast.
Your issue is : your browser, or any device on the LAN can access the internet.
That is : first, resolve "dyndns.org" to an A record. The A record is the IP. Thne the browser connects to whatever A points to, and loads default index.xxx the page.
Easy.Your issue :
Your pfSense box wants to do the same thing.
It want to do a http://checkip.dyndns.org request, just like your browser.
Or, it can't.
This is normally a DNS issue - it (pgSense itself) can't resolve.
DNS logs should give some messages. Siwthc to DNS query level detials, and check if you can see if checkip.dyndns.org was resolved.
A,d/or do this on the console :dig checkip.dyndns.org +short
it should come back with :
Another could be : the access to these IP's is blocked ? (upstream router ? pfBlocker) ?
Dear @Gertjan
thanks for your reply
but the issue is not my browser as I check to open the links you mentioned
it returns my IP fast and all other pages of pfsesnse GUI returned perfectly
just this page takes about 60-200 seconds to be retrieved
one more issue once I upgrade the pfsesnes to 2.5.2-RELEASE (amd64)
it failed to update the Dynamic DNS " I am using free no IP "
I did this update https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/12021
so I think the issue with this page itself takes a lot of time -
@msaeed said in Dynamic DNS WebGUI Very Slow:
it returns my IP fast and all other pages of pfsesnse GUI returned perfectly
just this page takes about 60-200 seconds to be retrievedIt returns 'fast' or 'page takes about 60-200 seconds' ?
What happens when you execute on the pfSense console :
[2.5.2-RELEASE][admin@pfsense.local.tld]/root: curl http://checkip.dyndns.org/
@msaeed said in Dynamic DNS WebGUI Very Slow:
" I am using free no IP "
There are several "no-ip" threads about their dyndns recently. They have 'issues'.
See these threads for a work around - or the redmine you mentioned.