Other DynDNS provider as listed in drop down box supported? (eg zonomi.com)
Hi all,
I would like to know, if it is somehow possible to use other DynDNS providers as provided in the drop down box at the DynDNS Admin page.
In concrete I am looking for zonomi.com (I think it's cheap and has a very good interface and a very good featureset).Any ideas to get this working with pfsense? (2.1) (Maybe via theire API: https://zonomi.com/app/dns/dyndns.jsp)
Thanks a lot,
You should be able to start by using the "Custom" selection. Enter your username and password for Zonomi. In the "Update URL" field, put something like:
Replacing with your hostname, of course.
Put that in the browser first, and see if you can get some success - it should reutrn some string starting with "OK:". Put that string in the "Result Match" box in pfSense.
Once you get it to work, document what worked and it should be fairly trivial to add it as a specific DNS provider in the drop down list. -
Hi phil.davis,
thanks a lot for helping. My biggest problem was, that I have not found the custom-entry. Maybe the list can be sorted for the next release. My drop down only showed 5 entries…
Nevertheless, it's working except the result. The result is XML (see exmaple below) and I don't know how to match it, because the description says the entered result must match the returned one but the xml is too dynamic. Any ideas or do you maybe know any wildcards to match it?
<dnsapi_result><is_ok>OK:</is_ok> <result_counts added="1" changed="0" unchanged="0" deleted="1"><actions><action action="SET" host="myhost.com" type="A" value=""></action></actions></result_counts></dnsapi_result>
Thanks a lot for helping,